Chapter Nine

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~Kellin’s p.o.v.

Winter had been in the hospital for about two weeks, and I stayed with her every night that I could.

The nurses said she was getting better and might be able to go home soon, since she’d been on life support for a while. So far, she’s been okay without it.

I don’t think she’s gonna die now, actually. She looks healthy.

“Mr. Bostwick,” a nurse started, I looked up from the hands in my lap outside of the room Winter was in.

“She’s all good to go. You can take her home this evening.” She told me, smiling.

I smiled, too.

“Thank god.” I said in relief.

“You can see her now, but she can’t leave until we tell you.” I nodded and opened the door.

Wow, she looked a LOT healthier, almost like her old self.

“Hey,” I started as I walked into the room.

She laughed, “Hi,”

I sat down in the chair next to her hospital bed and said, “I see your feeling better,” she nodded, “and guess what?” I said in a happy tone.


“You get to go home tonight.” I replied.

She smiled, “Really?” I nodded.

I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead then said after a few minutes of awkward silence, “You should get some rest…it’s a pretty long ride home.” She nodded and fell asleep, I stayed in there and watched some boring TV show they put on until a doctor walked in, and I stood up.

“Mr. Bostwick, you can take Ms. Harmony home now, if you like. She’s all good to go, just don’t take her out to places for about a week, make sure she drinks a lot of water – that means no soda, energy drinks, etc., and also not too many sweets. She can have a small bowl of ice cream, or some candy, but that’s all.” I nodded, “alright, sounds good to me. How long until she can be a normal person again?” I asked, the doctor and I laughed.

“Next Saturday. Maybe even Friday night, but I’d do Saturday just to be safe.”

“Okay, will do.” I replied. He shook my hand, “have a nice day.” I nodded, “you too.” He left the room and I woke Winter up.

“Hey, Winter…” I said, tapping her shoulder.

“Hmm?” she mumbled groggily.

“We can go home now, c’mon babe.” I said, taking her hand and helping her out of bed. She stumbled, but then she could walk normal. I put my arm around her shoulder, we signed out and we went home.

“You tired?” I said, opening the door for her.

 She shrugged, “uh, I guess…not really, though.”

“Okay, well you can go back to our room if you are,” I told her.

She nodded and walked back there.

I tried to watch TV, but there wasn’t anything good on, so I walked back to the room and sat down on the bed.

“Hey, I have a question.” She said to me.


“Uhm, if it isn’t too much to ask…uh, never mind.” She trailed off.

“It’s not; anything for you. What is it?” I said, smiling.

“Can you…uhm…sing for me?” she said quietly.

I laughed, “Really? You think THAT was too much to ask?” I replied, she nodded. “Well, don’t worry, it isn’t. My voice might be a little groggy though, so just warning you.” I commented.

She smiled and said, “It’s alright.”

I sang her a few love songs and then she kissed me. It was heaven. I haven’t kissed her on the lips in what seemed like forever. We pulled away at the same time and I texted Justin.

“Uh, I’ll be right back.” I said, leaving the room.

Me: Hey man, where’d you put the stuff again?

Justin: Spare bedroom, third drawer on the nightstand.

Me: Thanks

Justin: Anytime, bro.

I went into the spare bedroom and grabbed it; I put it in my back pocket and walked back to the bedroom.

“Hey sorry.” I apologized.

“It’s alright.” She said.

I smiled, looked down on the ground and crouched on one knee. I got the ring out from my back pocket.

She looked at me, confused.

“Winter Harmony,” I started, “I love you with all my heart and never want to lose you. I want to have you in my life forever…” I paused, “I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but I want to tell you I’m sorry for everything that has happened.” I looked down, and then back to her, “I hope you feel the same way about me. I love you so much and never ever want to lose you, so could you do me the greatest honor ever…” I opened the case up to reveal the expensive engagement ring, “and marry me?” I asked her, smiling.

Winter stood up in front of me and smiled widely, “I-uh, y-yes! Of course!” I stood up, too and she hugged me. She looked up at me and I looked her in the eyes, still smiling and passionately kissed her.

She grabbed my hair and pulled me as close as she could, I did the same.

I could feel her smile during our kiss. We stopped kissing for a few moments and we finally got tired of standing and laid down next to each other.

“I love you so much, Winter.” I said softly.

“I love you so much, too, Kellin.” She replied we both smiled and leaned in to kiss each other. I kissed her deeply.



okay, so kinda too lovey-dovey (at least in my opinion cx), but it had to happen sooner or later.

The next chapter will be her wedding, but i'm only showing the "kiss the bride" and the "husband wife dance"

the next chapter will be the end of the book.

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