Chapter Six

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~Winter's p.o.v

I, behind Kellin, saw a huge truck crash into the driver's side of Kellin's car, pretty hard too.

I screamed Kellin's name and called the ambulance immediately. I ran up to Kellin's car after calling the ambulance and looked in on the one side of the car that there wasn't a truck on. I looked at Kellin through the window. His eyes were closed and his head was forward, as if dead.

"N-no..." I said, trying to hold back tears. I couldn't hold them back anymore, and I bursted out crying.

The ambulance got here. And they had some machine move the two cars apart. Apparently, the guy who hit Kellin was drunk driving, he got a D.U.I.

A woman walked up to me, a nurse, and asked who I was.

"Uhm...I'm his...girlfriend.." I paused, remembering the situation, "Well, not really anymore...he kinda broke up with me for a certain reason and I needed to tell him what really happened, so I followed him and now this has happened."

The nurse nodded and replied, "Okay, well it seems like you care about him. So, I guess you could come to the hospital with us." She spoke really quickly, as if in a hurry. "C'mon, let's go." She replied taking my hand for mentor get into the ambulance.

I guess they already loaded Kellin in a gurnee, because when I got in there, I saw him getting treated and we were, it seemed, driving at the speed of sound.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked, worried.

"We don't know yet." She answered.

I looked at Kellin's lifeless looking body. He can't be dead. He just can't.

I can't live without him, if he dies...then what?

Tears started to form in my eyes. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. Shit.

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and I started to cry, really hard. The nurse looked at me sympathetically, then looked away and started to work on Kellin with the other doctors and nurses.

**that evening**

Kellin was in the hospital room 564. I was told to wait and call a few relatives/friends if I wanted to. So I called all of Sleeping With Sirens. They came about seven minutes later.

"What happened?" Justin said worriedly.

I told them all about our fight and break up and me following him and the car crash and everything.

"Woah." They all said in unison.

"Uhm, yeah.."

"Winter, Winter Harmony?"

I looked at the receptionist and walked up there along with the other three people, Gabe, Justin, and Jack.

"Only three at a time," she commented.

"You guys can go on up. I'll just go alone."

"You sure? One of us can wait.." Jack replied.

"Yes, I'm sure, now go." They walked to the elevator.and went to Kellin's room.

I sighed, knowing this was gonna take forever. They got back about an hour later and the receptionist said I could go up. I nodded and got on the elevator. I hope he's okay.

~Kellin's p.o.v.

Everything was a blur. I slightly remembered the band talking to me. They mentioned "you and Winter" a few times. But, I don't remember what it was about. I heard a knock on the door and saw someone open it. It was Winter.

I wish I never broke up with her.

"Oh my.." She trailed off, looking at my bruised and battered body. I smiled.

She came closer up to me, and hugged me softly.

"I'm...I'm so glad you're alright." She said with a smile on her face, but then she looked at my heart rate monitor and I could see tears forming in her eyes, but she blinked them away,hoping I wouldn't notice.

"Listen, Kellin, I have to tell you something..." I nodded. "I love you. I know you think that kiss with Vic was my fault, and that I cheated on you with him," she started to talk very fast, almost rapidly. "and I wanted to tell you that I'm--" I put my index finger to her soft lips.

"Shh..." I whispered, raspy.

She nodded and hugged me, laying on my chest over the blankets and hospital gear. I love her. She's the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

My voice hurt when I talked, but I needed to tell Winter everything.

"Winter...I love you with all my heart...and I always will," I paused to cough. "I'm sorry for overreacting. About the kiss with Vic. I should've let you talk, I should've believed you. I'm sorry." I whispered. "Don't be sorry. I love you too." She replied, softly, as if worried that if she talked any louder, she'd hurt my ears. I smiled.

~Winter's p.o.v.

He said he loved me...and forgave me... I hope this means we're back to the way we were. And I could hear Kellin's heart rate monitor sounding normal again. I smiled. I hope he won't die.

I could hear his breathing sound normal and quiet. I think he's asleep. I glanced over at him, his eyes closed. I closed mine too and fell asleep.

~Justin's p.o.v.

Me and the other band members were getting antsy.

"She's been in there awhile..." Gabe commented.

"Yeah, maybe we should check on her." Jack replied.

I nodded. "Kay, I'll do it." I replied, since I did consider Kellin my closest friend out of the band.

I walked to his room to find he and Winter both asleep. His arm on Winter's back, his chin to top of her head.

They made a good couple, and I'm guessing that they sorted everything out. I walked out of the room and asked a nurse if Winter was able to spend the night.

"Well, yes. But, it depends on how he's doing. One moment." She replied, walking into the room. She checked his blood pressure and all that shit. She came out and nodded, "Yes, she can stay. He's able to go home tomorrow afternoon, after we receive his prescriptions. I nodded and went down to tell the band that Kellin and Winter are all sorted out and that Kellin can go home tomorrow afternoon. They all nodded, relieved, and we drove home after making sure to go get the wedding ring out of Kellin's, now, wrecked car.

We all knew he was gonna propose to her today, but there's obviously a few things that got in the way. We retrieved it and kept it in my car, since it'd be safer there.
Long, boring, awkward.chapter, I know. Also, weird ending, I know, but I had to clarify about that part for you guys. Thanks so much for reading, I'll update asap!

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