The journey begins now

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"Wake up..."

The whisper echoed.

"Wake up... come on."

Brown eyes opened slowly. Squinting at the light, Snow looked to her side. The mermaid she saw earlier was there... with human legs.

Snow jerked up, scooting away from the mermaid as fast as she could. She wanted a good distance between them. She didn't trust any mermaid just yet.

"She's awake, is she?" A man voice said. Snow turned her head, and saw a man around Jack's age, maybe a bit younger. He had brown/golden hair tied in a ponytail.


The mermaid smiled, running up and hugging the man. He instantly wrapped his arms around her in return.

The man pulled away, and walked over to Snow. She tried scooting as much as she could into the dark. 'Philip' bent down to her level and extended his hand.

"Hello. I'm Philip. It's nice to meet you, ...?"

"...Snow." She hesitantly said. Philip smiled, sitting down completely.

"What are you doing out here? Where are your parents?"

"Mate, does it look like I come from ashore?" Snow said with a 'smiling' face. Philip squinted his eyes, focusing deeply on Snow and Snow only.

"You remind me of someone..." He tilted his head. Snow smirked.

"Heard of Cap'n Jack Sparrow, eh?" Philip nodded. "We might have traveled together..." He smiled. The mention of Jack's name could bring both a frown and a smile to anyone's face.

"Well, he be me dad. Snow Sparrow, if you'd like." She smirked. Philip's eyes widened, as he looked over at the mermaid.

"Syrena!" He said surprised. 'Syrena', or the mermaid, scrambled over to Philip and sat down beside him. She looked flabbergasted at Snow.

"Jack? As in Jack Sparrow?" She rushed out in a breath. Snow nodded, standing up.

"Exactly. Now if you'll excuse me, m'lady and gentleman. I have to go find a... treasure." She smiled evilly at the end, hoping they would believe she was out after some treasure. That would surely make them leave her alone.

"Farewell, friends." She smirked. Taking large steps towards the exit, Snow looked back to make sure they didn't follow her. Oho, but they díd.

A frown made it's way to Snow's face.

"Look, I really need to go, mates."

"Where to?" Philip asked.


"And that somewhere is?"


"You know, Syrena can easily contact Jack. Wouldn't want him to find you, right?"

Now that grabbed Snow's attention. She slowly turned around to face them both.

"...Isla... De Muerta." She hesitantly said. Syrena smiled, walking towards Snow.

"Let me take you there. I'll help you." She smiled. Was is really that good of an idea? Getting help from a mermaid... Snow could just jump down to Davy Jones's locker as well. As if Philip could read her confusion, he laid a hand on Snow's shoulder.

"Go. I'm sure you've got your reasons."

"Mate..." Snow's eyes widened. She smirked at him, nodding at Syrena after.

"Alright. But on one condition." Syrena looked confused. "...Sure?"

"...You have to let me swim with you in the water!" She squealed. Syrena laughed a bit, taking Snow's hand and leading her out of the cave and to the water.

"Are you ready?" "I sure am." And with that, Syrena jumped into the water, soon followed by Snow.

The journey to Isla De Muerta begins now.


(With Gibbs and the crew)

"Gibbs! Gibbs! Land in sight!" Pintel shouted. Gibbs grinned, looking at the figure who was standing at the end of the island.

Must be her.

"Cotton! Ragetti! Full power at the island!" He shouted. Both of them nodded, quickly going to their jobs.

"*screech* Wind in the sails! Wind in the sails!"

"Arrh, shut up, you scabrous parrot!" Gibbs glared at Cotton's parrot. "Parley?" The parrot's voice said. Gibbs looked surprised at it before laughing. The parrot sure was strange.

As the ship was heaved on land, Gibbs walked up to the figure along with the crew. The figure didn't notice before a hand was laid on it's shoulder. In one swift moment, the figure turned around, aiming a sword at Gibbs's throat. He quickly raised his hands in surrender.

"Easy there, lass! It be me, Joshamee Gibbs. Yer old friend." He smiled nervously at the figure.

They looked confused, before lowering their sword to the ground.

"...Mr. Gibbs? Pintel? Ragetti...? Cotton? What are you...?"

Gibbs chuckled.

"We need yer help, Elizabeth."


"Davy Jones?" Elizabeth asked confused. Yet a hint of fear was laced in her voice. "Are you joking? Or is this real?" Gibbs sighed. Of course, it's hard to believe that he would be back.

"Aye. Davy Jones is back. We need yer help." Gibbs sternly said. If Elizabeth was to believe him, he was to be 100% serious.

She scooted a bit closer, interest bubbling inside her.

"And where's Jack?" She said amused. "Why isn't he here? If Davy Jones really was back, he would have been here asking for help to defend his precious child, the Pearl. Wouldn't he, Mr. Gibbs?" She smirked. But ah, Gibbs already figured out she was going to say something like that. And now it was his turn to smirk.

"Jack? Jack be havin' something more important to him than the pearl now." Now, THAT left Elizabeth confused. What could possibly be more important to him than the Pearl?

Gibbs, upon seeing Elizabeth's confusion, opened his mouth.

"Jack... has a daughter." The corners of Gibbs's lips twitched up. Elizabeth wouldn't be able to say no now.

After all, she too, has a child.

But she did something more unexpected. She rolled her eyes and smiled slightly.

"Jack? Daughter? Really? Davy Jones being back is even more beliveable."

"Mrs. Turner!" Gibbs yelled. Now he was getting annoyed. Time was something they needed, and something not to be wasted. And time, they didn't have much of.

"The time is not with us." He stared seriously at her. First now did Elizabeth understand the gravity of the situation. They had to go. Now.

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