They're coming...

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Snow tightened her grip on Syrena's tail. She was going at the speed of light through water, occasionally dodging a shark or two. But of course, that's to be expected. Isla De Muerta was a huge distance away. It would take at least a half more day to get to it. Snow just hoped it would be worth it.

As Syrena dodged another shark, Snow couldn't help but wonder how her dad was doing. Was he still on the ship? Had he gone after her? Although it's hard to believe that he would leave the Pearl, she still hoped that there was a part of him that missed her.

But what Snow didn't know, was that Jack was already hot on their tail. He had gone through a hot, mossy and disgusting swamp instead of taking the sea with sharks. He would much rather become dirty than swim with the blood-thirsty, dangerous animals.

"Daaaarn it." He cursed, looking at his mossy, green and filthy shoes. He huffed, continuing on his way. "Those were new too..."


He halted. Did something just snap? Well, of course it did Jack, what else could have made the snapping sound. He facepalmed upon realizing what he had just thought. Really? Was he really that tired?

"Show yerself!" he yelled. Leaves rustled and rocks was being kicked away from under several bushes. Jack kept an eye on the area. What moved? What snapped? Or who was there?

"Jack?" came a voice. And wow, Jack. Was. Beyond. Relieved.

"Dear William, is it?" He eyed at the man who walked out from the bushes. Will smiled.

"What are you doing out here? I saw you only 3 days ago. Don't tell me there's a treasure on this island?" Will laughed. To be honest, the reason Will was here was because he had foreseen some suspicious moves on this island. He also passed a ship on water tides, but none he recognized.

"No, I'm going after Snow." Jack admitted. There was no use in lying to Will.

"Snow? But there's only one path ahead, and that path heads to Isla De Muerta. What would she do there?" Will asked. Surely, there was something on there. Snow was just like Jack after all, she wouldn't just go without something in it for her.

And that something is definitely a treasure.

Will noticed that Jack just shrugged, and in no time at all, Jack was already several meters away from him. He really didn't wanna lose his daughter, did he?

Suddenly, Jack stopped in his tracks.

Will stopped.

Everything stopped.


Laughter was heard.

It echoed through the swamp and deep into the seas.

It sounded like saltwater gurgled in the voice, like it came from underwater.

The seawaves tilted back and forth, like huge tsunamis fighting for dominance.

Jack and Will looked around, and their eyes stopped dead into each other.

As Jack's eyes glided over to the sea, his face melted into a stone-hard glare that would definitely make any man on the sea piss their pants.

There was no mistaking the ship that approached them.

It's bloody red sails, it's velvet wood that rocked through the seas like nothing.

And then that darn melody that echoed throughout the swamp.

There was no mistake.

That ship, was definitely Queen Anne's Revenge.

And that diddly-darn tune.

Could only be recognized as Davy Jones's locket.


HEEEY! I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I feel like shit.

Anyways, this wasn't the longest chapter I've done, but... I hope it at least helps.

I plan on updating a lot more! I kinda had writer's block before.

Anyways, I'm gonna get started on the next chapter!

Hope you enjoyed this one!

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