Father and Daughter

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That was all there was to see.

Yet a light?

No, that couldn't have been.

Ha... this is all too familiar. 

What would happen now? She would open her eyes, and Syrena would be there? Her dad?

Gibbs? Cotton? Pintel? Ragetti?

Her mom?

Her dad would tell her he's sorry, he should have told the truth? Maybe even a hug? Tears?

She didn't like it because...because she knew that if something like that happened, she wouldn't know how to react.

Hug back? Shout?


Why did she even do this? Why did she seek the truth? Why wasn't she content with finding her dad, and her dad alone?

Well, now she had a pirate family. To drink rum with. Everything. Is it alright to open her eyes? To actually open them for her dad?

She decided to take the chance. Struggling and struggling, she tried to open her eyes. Until it actually happened.

She opened her eyes, gazing into nothing but light first. A soothing voice hummed a melody in the air. And not that darn Davy Jones' locket, this was...

Was that 'A pirate's life for me'?

As best as she could, she turned her head to look at the person holding her. All she wanted to do was hug them right then and there.

And that's exactly what she was gonna do.

"Dad...!" She struggled to shout, but managed to wrap her arms around him. Jack responded with slightly opening his eyes, tightening his grip as he did so. His tired eyes wandered to his daughter, and he slowly began to stand up, holding Snow close to him.

"I'm glad you're alive..." He said, voice tired and almost... sad? Snow gulped in suspicion. Her departure with her dad must've really taken a toll on him. The guilt was eating her on the inside.

"Dad?" She shook his shoulder, noticing him starting to look away from her eyes. Jack didn't respond, instead, he turned around and walked outside. The warm breeze brushed against both of their cheeks, giving them a somewhat unsettling mood.

Snow didn't like it. It felt awkward and gross, but this was her fault in the first place, so how could she complain? She nudged her dad's shoulder.

"Snow..." Jack started after a couple of minutes of silence. Snow visibly flinched. His voice was different. Serious even. She looked at him, met directly with eyes that matched her own.

It scared her endlessly.

"Do you know what danger you put yourself into?"

Snow, yet again, flinched. She had never heard her dad so angry. She instantly looked down, her hair covering her face.

"You could have died!" Jack shrieked, turning his whole body towards Snow. All she did was quietly nod. "Don't you ever do that again! Do you know how devastated I would've been if you were gone?! I wouldn't be able to forgive myself!"

Snow was sweating. Her eyes were overflowing with tears, but she didn't let them fall. She nodded quietly again.

"Snow, you are my responsibility now! And you bloody hell know that I'm a pirate!" Jack began shouting. Snow let a tear fall onto her pants. She regretted her decision. She wanted to die so badly right now. To get away from her dad. She thought that Jack didn't want her there right now, so she stood up to leave.

"I'm sorry..." She sobbed. She turned to leave, but Jack grabbed her shoulder. He, too, seemed to shake a little.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you anything. But at least now you know that I am your dad by blood. That's at least a good thing."

Jack himself were confused. Sure he loved Snow, but since when did he actually start to become angry because of her recklessness? Any normal parent would, but Jack wasn't normal.

Snow may have changed him.

And maybe that wasn't so bad.

He quietly dragged her towards him, enveloping her in a hug. Snow let out a shaky breath, that sooner escalated into sobs. She buried her face in her dad's shirt, hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry!" She sobbed.

Jack himself let out a little, tiny tear. It ran down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it. The sad atmosphere changed when Jack let out a smirk. He was still Jack Sparrow. He was still crazy. He couldn't let Snow be sad anymore either. She got her lesson, she understood it, and now he just needs her to smile again.

"Hey," He said, pushing her slightly away from him, holding her shoulders. His grin made Snow's eyes wide.

"We're Sparrows, right? We're reckless," Jack said, throwing an arm over her shoulder. "We're fearless," Jack made a fist in front of Snow's face, letting his hand straighten towards the horizon.

Snow looked at the dawn. It was like that on the ship. Beautiful colors.

"As long as you don't get yourself killed, and always stay within my eyesight... we're good." He smirked. He repeated his action and made a fist. Snow looked at him, then at his fist. She formed one of her own.

"Yeah." She smiled, fist-bumping Jack. Jack tackled Snow in a tight hug, lifting her onto his shoulders in the process.

Jack let out a hearty laugh.

From that day, Jack swore to become a better father than his own dad. He wanted to be there for Snow, and for her to feel loved and have a family.

Well, his crew was enough family.








Well, this is it. The. Final. CHAPTERRRRR.

Or is it? ;)


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