He came, he fought, he found her too late

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A voice boomed. 

Snow stood paralyzed as the two men fought on the ground.

"Who are you talking about, SPARROW?!"

"You know who, Jones! Where's Snow! Where's my daughter?! What have you done to her?!"

Jack had rushed in on Jones with a sword and gun in his hands, unaware of the fact that Snow was literally right behind him.

"Ah... So you're looking for your daughter, huh?" Jones said in a mocking tone. Truthfully, he knew Snow was on the island, he just didn't know where.

But oh, he wanted to kill her so bad...

"You rotten, slimy piece of octopus!" Jack pointed the gun at Jones' head. Jones smirked, taunting Jack even more.

"You owe me... a 100 souls." Suddenly Jones vanished into thin air, and there stood the devil in his place.

"Barbossa..." Jack whispered, looking up and directly at the orange-haired man.

"Ah, Jack. Looking for yer daughter, are you?" He asked, amusement lacing his voice.

"What is this, it's one enemy after another." Jack facepalmed. His eyes lit up at the two bruise and blood covered bodies behind Barbossa.

Both of them turned their swords against either side of Barbossa's neck, and he froze, peekng behind him.

"Ain't so tough now, are ya, Barbossa?" The man behind Barbossa asked. The other person followed suit.

"He's never been tough, just lucky." They snarled.

Ah, his two favourite people!

"Hello, Elizabeth, William." He grinned. Elizabeth glanced at Jack.

"Go find your daughter, she's in here somewhere." Elizabeth looked around, and Snow had to duck quickly.

Shit, shit shit. Is that really dad? I thought he didn't come after me.

Guess I was wrong!

She smiled at the thought. Suddenly, boots walking against stone could be heard, and she quickly realized Jack must be looking around for her.

As she ducked the most she could, her eyes landed on something on the ground. The necklace around her neck floated freely, emitting a blue-ish colour.

Is that an opening?!

As quietly as she could, Snow reached for the crack on the ground, raising it with all her strength without making a noise.

Well, she thought.


Aw shit.

She cringed as the hissing sound came from moving the rock.

"Cap'n Barbossa!" A voice boomed.

Everyone froze in place. Barbossa's men had come.

"Gotta hurry!" Snow shouted.

A habit, don't ask.

Jack heard the sound, and immediately rushed towards it. Just when he looked over a curvy rock, he saw Snow's boots diving into the water below.

It wasn't even water from outside the island, this was different.

Barbossa's men now swarmed inside the cave from the right end, while Will and Jack's crew came from the other.

Gibbs was the first to make eye contact with Jack.

"Jack!" He shouted, rushing towards him. Jack shoved Gibbs out of the way and dived into the water without giving it a second thought.

He wanted Snow to be safe, right there with him!

The water tunnel was short and broad, and when he finally made it to the end, another figure was in front of him.

But it wasn't Snow, no. It was Jones. The tune played throughout the water.

In front of Jones, there was a short person. It was Snow, who was swimming/standing right in front of a chest. Looks like she didn't notice either of them.

She opened the box with great difficulty, and took out whatever was inside.

The book.

Jack's eyes widened as he swam towards Snow who looked at the book in amazement, but his foot was grabbed by Jones who smirked at him.

When Snow popped out of her daze, she noticed Jack. And her heart pondered whether or not to open the book.

What are you doing?! You came so far, you can't back out now! Not now, not ever!

She bit her teeth and opened the book.


The whole water tunnel was so bright, it blinded almost everyone. Snow had to close her eyes from a moment, before she felt a breeze and wood below her feet.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking around curiously. She was on a boat of some sort, and there was someone who rowed that boat.

As she looked ahead, her eyes widened.


It indeed was. A slightly, just slightly younger-looking Jack Sparrow was rowing the boat. He swam past skeletons hanging from a stone,

'Pirates, yer be warned'

He saluted them as Snow stared wide-eyed.

Was she reliving her dad's adventures? As far as what Jack had told her, it all started with him meeting Elizabeth in her hometown.

So this must be it.

The moment of truth.

Snow SparrowDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora