The Senior and the Doctor

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A week later, Thanksgiving break, I kept feeling a fluttering feeling in my stomach.

The holidays have been different ever since it all happened a year ago. Everything was different. The boys weren't allowed out at dark, all of our homes were searched, but no monster was found, and Barb never came back.

I sat holding hands with Steve at the dinner table as we ate Thanksgiving dinner that consisted of a burnt turkey, clumpy mashed potatoes, and a half-burnt-half-raw pumpkin pie. My mother isn't the best of cooks.

"So, Steve," my father emerged from the kitchen with a glass of chocolate milk for Holly. "How's school going for you?"

"It's good, sir. Senior year is a breeze," Steve replied as he leaned back in his chair.

I kicked his foot under the table. My father didn't know that Steve was a senior. He thought he was a junior like me.

"Oh..." my father said as he dropped as spoonful of potatoes into his plate.


Later that night, we watched our tapes of Rocky, Rocky II, and Rocky III and drank apple cider. Steve and I shared a blanket and I slowly drifted to sleep with my head leaning over on his shoulder.


The fluttering feeling kept happening over break. I had an uneasy feeling about it, so I made a doctors appointment.

When I got there, I filled out the information and they called me into the office.

"Nancy, I don't know if I should congratulate you or not, but you're pregnant," the doctor spoke in monotone as she stared at the clipboard.

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