The Little Box

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I slipped on my best dress, because knowing Jonathan, he's going to take me out somewhere nice. As I glanced at myself in the mirror, I saw how large my stomach looked. I have only been pregnant for like two months I thought. Is it supposed to be this big?

I pushed all thoughts out of my mind, put on shoes, grabbed a jacket, and met Jonathan on my porch.

Suddenly, specks of snow started to fall from the sky and Jonathan grabbed my hand. We started walking towards his car. Jonathan opened and closed the door for me, and I saw him in the rear view mirror as he walked around the car. He was talking to himself and I think it was about me. I saw him pull a little box out of his coat pocket, look inside, then shove it back in the pocket.

Jonathan hops in the front seat and starts up the car.


At the steak house, Jonathan and I split a meal and talked about the baby. We talked about Steve, and how I was done with him. For good.

"Can I ask you something?" Jonathan set down his water and looked in my eyes. He grabbed my hands and I knew what was coming.

I nodded.

"I don't care who your child's father is. I love him.. or her... and I love you. I'm willing to go through any obstacle we may face and I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Will you marry me?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes. Yes! I will marry you!" We stood up and he embraced me as tears streamed down my face.

And in that moment, I was happy. I saw a future for myself and Jonathan... and our child.

Perplexed - A Jonathan and Nancy storyWhere stories live. Discover now