The Sweatshirt

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When we got to the amusement park, Jonathan purchased the tickets and we entered. As soon as we walked in, Will darted off to the first ride he saw. Jonathan and I chased after him.

Suddenly, I became very conscious of my large stomach. Luckily, it was December, so I wore one of Jonathan's sweatshirts and it helped conceal it just a tad bit. My stomach was growing quite a lot lately.

Noticing that I was slowing down, Jonathan slowed down and grabbed my hand. He smiled at me as Will jumped in line.

"You don't want to ride?" I asked him.

"No I'm fine right here," Jonathan squeezed my hand and we sat on a bench in front of the ride.


Around 6 o'clock, Will was tired and very cold. My feet were swollen and Jonathan looked exhausted. As we left the park, I saw Steve entering with Tommy and Carol. Carol glanced in our direction; I tried to duck behind a trash bin, but she saw me and tapped the two boys on the shoulder. Their heads jerked our way.

Steve's eyes met mine and he darted in my direction. I grabbed Jonathan and Will's hands and hurried off. I tried to go around a corner but it was too late.

"Nancy!" Steve shouted.

The three of us suddenly stopped and he approached us.

"Has it really been that long?" Steve asked with a sarcastic smirk on his face as he planted a hand on the top of Will's head.

"You're an idiot, Steve Harrington." I snapped.

"Woah. Easy," replied Steve. "I'm just playin' around."

"We're going home," Jonathan spoke up. "Unless you want a rematch."

Steve stepped back with his hands in the air in a sarcastic way. As if to say "ooo I'm so scared."

As we walked away, I glanced back at Steve, and he mouthed the words "I love you."

Perplexed - A Jonathan and Nancy storyWhere stories live. Discover now