Chapter 50: Song From The Heart

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Afternoon had turned to early evening and still they sat in silent vigil before the House of Healing - the common folk - the ones that made everyday life work in the Greenwood - the ones that all too often passed through life unnoticed. However, the sound of thundering hooves broke their introspective mood, turning their heads towards the massive gates that slowly whirled into action as the strange mechanism turned and the mighty doors opened inwards.

Legolas stood slowly, his eyes narrowing and then sharpening on the group of tired, exhausted warriors that pulled up sharply and then vaulted off their horses.

Ram en' Ondo, Lindohtar, Idhrenohtar and Rhawthir, immediately spotted Hwindohtar standing amongst the sitting crowd, and ran towards him in urgency, clapping his shoulders and arms in a rushed but heart-felt greeting, their faces both relieved to see him well, and yet twisted in anxiety at what he would tell them.

"Dimaethor?" asked Idhrenohtar.

"Is making his great journey, brothers. There is nothing that can be done for him now, we simply wait to mark his passage," he murmured to them. Idhreno turned his back to them abruptly, his cape flaring around his calves and Ram en' Ondo stifled a moan. Lindohtar cursed the Valar and Rhawthir simply stared on in disbelief.

"His family is with him now..."

"Legolas, come!" beckoned Elladan from the door, not waiting before turning and disappearing once more.

With a shared look of dread, The Company turned and followed him, under the sorrowful yet respectful stare of the elves of Greenwood the Great.

"Elladan met them at the entrance to Lainion's room, stopping their forward motion with his hand.

"He has regained consciousness but it will not last long - you must say your goodbyes and then leave him with his family."

It was too much for the mighty Ram en' Ondo, and tears sprang to his eyes as he desperately tried to swipe them away. Idhrenohtar squeezed his shoulder, his own jaw working furiously in a vain attempt at quashing the overwhelming grief that had gripped his heart.

Lindo was the first to approach the bed, sitting softly by Lainion's side and smiling down at him, even though his lips quivered and his eyes danced.

"It has been an honour to serve with you, Lainion. I will carry you with me always, sing your praises to any who will listen ..."

Lainion smiled weakly up at him but could not speak and so he simply blinked and brushed a finger over the Bard Warrior's hand.

Lindo turned away, unable to look at those who followed him with their sad eyes, for if he did he knew that his composure would be broken.

Rhawthir took his place but he said nothing. He took the Avari's head between his hands and kissed him softly upon the brow, smiling down at him and nodding.

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