»14. Stream«

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Dakota's P.O.V.

I held my breath, waiting for Finn to start reading. He was gloating and beaming as if he had struck gold. After hearing the first stanza to the poem, I knew it wasn't mine. It wasn't about a girl. It was about a pissed off teen, complaining about society. Basically crying out: woe is me about ten times.

I was sure who ever wrote this probably also had a Tumblr and re-blogged Hemmingway quotes, but had never read anything from him. I quieted down my thoughts and listened to the rest of the piece.

Dear Society,

Did you know that you are the leading cause of depression,

Of stress,

Of death?

Statistics say otherwise, stating that cancer or heart disease is the leading cause of death.

But they're wrong.

It's you. It's always been you.

Dear Society,

It's in the world that you've created that makes girls think that they are only worth your time if they show more skin than they do brains.

And God forbid if they use their brain. Hide it, forget it, push it away and drown all of your thoughts away with the booze showcased in rap videos.

People will love you.

That's what you say.

Because all she ever wanted was to be loved

To be adored.

Looked at, from high above.

Dear Society,

You haven't ruined me.

At least not yet.

Because as time progressed, and my eyes watched the world around me attentively.

Though shrunken dreams,

Decreased by the years,


Minutes of each fleeting moment in this



World we all unfortunately must suffer in together.

I have wasted approximately ten years

Blowing out useless candles,

Hoping for shooting stars,

So I could wish on those dreams that could only be reached if

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