Chapter 3

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"I'll tell you what happened, but has crazy pants gone yet? I don't appreciate the methods she used."

Elena froze in Stefan's arms, and he automatically adjusted his grip do his hold on her was more protective.

Damon walked into the living room.

"I'm telling you Stefan, this one was a nutter."

He saw Elena in his brother's arms and froze there on the spot, unsure as to whether he should run or stay put and defend himself.

"Great, the whack job is still here."

Stefan looked to Elena and nodded, assuring her that she would be safe as long as he was there with her.

"Glielo lasci stare qui? You let her stay here?" Damon exclaimed, speaking in Italian to make sure Elena didn't understand - he was cruel enough to bite her, but he did not want to insult her to her face. In fact, the fuming dark haired man was much angrier with his brother than he was with the young girl. He had no doubt in his mind that his brother had already showed off how helpful he can be and refrained from hurting her, making him look like a blood thirsty homicidal maniac.

"Non avevo solo intenzione di lasciarla morire dissanguato nella vostra camera da letto. I wasn't just going to leave her to bleed to death in your bedroom!"

They both looked at Elena and Stefan immediately noticed the rapid rise and fall of her chest. He had pulled away from her whilst arguing with his brother, but he immediately went back toward her and looked into her eyes.

"Elena, he can't hurt you, not while I'm here."

She nodded but he could still see her gasping for breath, her small body trembling as she looked at the man who had hurt her.

"Thank you Damon, now would be a good time for you to leave I think." Stefan said as he pointed his brother towards the door.

Damon ignored his younger brother, and, grabbing a glass full of bourbon, he sat down on the sofa.

"So, Katherine Version 2.0, how's your day going? Because mines been pretty crap. I started out really well, but then I got a bit hungry, you know, I really needed blood. My brother's animal diet wasn't working for me, so I headed out and had a little feast. Anyway, several bodies later, I found myself at the grill. God knows how many drinks later, I find myself buying a drink for Miss Katherine Pierce, the one and only."

He looked to Elena, "This is where you come in sweetie." He raised his glass to her and she looked to Stefan who was guiding her through some breathing exercises.

"Anyway, thinking you were Katherine, there is a chance I accidentally compelled you to sleep with me, but then some old feelings of resentment came up, and I found myself trying to bite you. Really it was all an accide-"

Damon was cut off by his brother's interruption.

"Enough Damon, she is clearly upset. Have you lost all your humanity, or just flipped the switch?"

Elena found herself not listening to either of the brothers, their voices were just a muffled background noise and she tried to calm herself. The next thing she knew, Damon was gone and she was alone with Stefan again.

"Where did he go?" She asked.

"He's in the cell downstairs, and I have his daylight ring." Stefan said.

He looked at Elena's face and noted her confusion.

"We have a holding cell downstairs in case either of us is ever out of control, and his daylight ring lets him go out in the sun, so even if he does escape, he wouldn't be able to go anywhere during the day."

She loves looked confused, but the now throbbing pain in her head told her this was not something she should attempt to decipher until at least the morning.

The vampire noticed her rest her head against her palms, and asked if she wanted to spend the night, not wanting her to go home alone while she was like this. She responded saying she would, as long as he would stay with her - something about him provided a sense of comfort for the girl and she didn't want to be alone for the remainder of the night.

"Of course." He said, covering her with a blanket as she lay down on the sofa, not wanting to be upstairs with Damon.

Just as she felt her lids begin to close, Elena was certain she heard him whisper, "I'll always stay with you."

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