Chapter 11

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For the second time in only a couple of days, Elena lay there, unconscious. When her eyes fluttered open, she saw the lights shining down onto her and assumed she was in the hospital, it wasn't until she tried to sit up that she noticed the restraints around her wrists that prevented her from moving.

Immediately she began to writhe in the seat, doing anything possible to get out, but to no avail. She could hear some faint talking outside the room, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Now more than ever she wished she had Stefan and Damon's vampire hearing so she would know what was happening, or their strength to escape, but she didn't, she just had to wait for them to come in. 

Eventually, two people entered, one who appeared to be a doctor, and the other, well she had no clue who she was.

She had short brown hair. Her leather jacket was a rather snug fit, and her jeans were similarly tight, yet regardless of her heeled boots, she still looked like she could defend herself.

Instantly, without thinking, Elena placed her hand over her abdomen, reassuring herself that she would get both of them out of this mess.

Her mind went to Stefan, wondering why he wasn't there. Wondering what they must have done to him to stop him from being there. The last thing she could remember, he was holding her in his arms and she felt so safe, now she didn't know what she should feel.

"Miss Gilbert, is that correct?" The doctor asked, referring to a sheet on a clipboard as she spoke.

Elena was reluctant to answer. Something about the whole thing didn't feel right, however, when the other person in the room dashed over to her and placed her hand forcefully around her neck, she was forced to nod.

Once the woman let go, Elena closed her eyes for a second, realising the only actual sleep she had gotten in the past few days had been when she was unconscious. As much as she longed to sleep, she knew she couldn't, it would mean putting the baby at risk, and she could not bear to even think about that.

"This is just a check up, to ensure the baby is healthy." The doctor explained. "Now, we cannot do an ultrasound, but it has been requested that we do some blood work."

Elena was about to question who by, but as soon as the needle pierced her skin, her mind went elsewhere. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed again was a man in an immaculate suit storm into the room and shout something at the two women. Something that sounded vaguely like,

"What were you thinking? I told you to take her blood, not-"

But then her eyes closed.

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