Chapter 13

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"Bonbon, I know you're home, open up."

Stefan had begun to get tired of Damon's relentless knocking and shouting, but quite frankly, he was in no mood to argue with him.

Eventually, Bonnie opened the door, smiling at Stefan but glaring at Damon.

"Hi, long story short, we need a locator spell." Damon said, neglecting to give her any details.

She didn't give him an answer, just began to close the door.

"Pretty please, it's for Elena, we need to find her."

Several minutes later, they were in the living room. After several spells failing to give any results, Bonnie and Shiela now sat on the floor, holding hands and chanting.

"So, where exactly did you get that vial of Elena's blood?" Stefan asked Damon as he stood there smugly.

"The girl has a tendency to bleed on my clothes, and my bedroom floor, and in my car. She also seems to be the target of many witch attacks, so I took precautions, and got my shirt dry-cleaned. Two birds with one stone."

Stefan sighed and continued to watch the two witches.

"So what exactly did that note say?"

"Just that we will come to rescue her."

Stefan sighed once again, praying that they could get the message to Elena.

When Elena's eyes opened again, her vision was blurred at the edges, and the sounds she heard were muffled, but she could still make them out.

"Now, you listen to me. I know you witches believe this baby will be the destruction of your kind, but it is absolutely imperative to my brother Niklaus and the rest of my family, provided what you are saying is correct, that that girl and the child do not come to any harm at the hands of you or any other witches. Do I make myself clear?"

Elena stopped listening to their conversation after that, her mind focused on finding a means by which she could escape. She looked down once again to the restraints keeping her from moving and upon doing so noticed the balled up piece of paper by her hand. She grabbed it and did her best to un-ball it with one hand, and eventually she could read the message.

The SDRS will be with you shortly.

She furrows her eyebrows in confusion, but, when she saw the names signed at the bottom, she couldn't help but smile as a shiver ran down her spine.

-SS & DS

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