Chapter 4

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Upon waking the next morning, Elena could definitely feel the injuries she had sustained the night before, much more than she had before she went to sleep. It took her a moment to remember the events of her rendezvous with the Salvatore brothers, but when she did, it became apparent as to why her head was throbbing and her neck felt tender. She also noticed that, since she had fallen asleep with the ice pack on her side, it had melted and become ineffective.


Hearing a voice, she looked up to see Stefan stood shirtless before her. He held a glass of water and two tablets which she assumed were for the pain. She placed them in her mouth one at a time and swallowed them, smiling gratefully afterwards.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting down at the bottom of her legs.

She looked up at him as though it should be obvious and he nodded.


For a moment they sat in silence. In his hand, Stefan clutched the necklace he had filled with vervain prior to giving her a drink. He wanted to make sure that Damon couldn't control her again the way he did last night.

"Listen Elena, I know this seems a bit strange since we met last night, but I have something for you. It's a necklace filled with vervain - as long as you wear it, Damon or any other vampire won't be able to control you like he did tonight."

He held it up, and her first thought was that she couldn't possibly accept it, but then she remembered everything that happened the night before and thanked him before he fastened it around her neck.

"Would you be able to drive me home? You have been so kind to me, but I feel I am beginning to overstay my welcome." She asked.

He nodded.

"Sure, but before you go, I have two more things to give you, well three actually."

He walked over to the table behind the sofa and picked up two things. The first was a piece of paper with his handwriting scrawled across it.

"Here is a list of instructions to clean your bites on your neck, and what to do about your side. This way you can do it yourself and not have to ask for help, which could result in some embarrassing questions being asked."

She took it gratefully and looked over it quickly. He then took out a small bottle, about 100ml, filled with a deep red liquid.

"This is full of my blood. Vampire blood heals you. You only need a sip, but I thought I'd give you some extra in case you need it."

"What's the third?" She asked, nervously taking the bottle out of his hand.

"Well I couldn't find your clothes, so I guess the t-shirt's yours now, unless you would like to go home in your underwear."

She laughed a little, holding her side in an attempt to reduce the dull ache she felt.

The ride home was pleasant. Neither one of them spoke much, but it was nice for Elena to feel relaxed again after recent events. When they eventually reached her house, she climbed out of the car and waved at Stefan, she looked down to check she had the bottle and the paper, but when she looked back up he was gone.

For the next few weeks, Elena had steered clear of the Salvatore mansion, mostly staying home after her last outing went so terribly. One thing she had done consistently was worn the necklace. She had also made sure to follow Stefan's instructions to help her wounds, however, whilst the pain killers he had recommended were working, the blood he had given her wasn't doing anything. He had left his phone number on the bottom of the paper, so she considered calling him, but then changed her mind, assuming he does this with every girl his brother brings home.

At some point in the few weeks following her run in with Damon, she had received a call from Bonnie, which she still had not returned. The voicemail said something about her being a witch, but quite frankly, she was a little fed up with supernatural tales for the moment.

The brunette frowned when she heard a knock on the door, which meant she had to get up from her comfortable position on the sofa and talk to someone.


She opened the door to see Bonnie stood there, holding a box full of pizza, which she shook as she came through the door.

"I have some great news to tell you, so I was talking to Grams and-"

She stopped suddenly after her arm brushed against Elena. For a moment, the small girl was completely frozen, her eyes closed as she focused on the images flashing through her mind.

"No way!" She exclaimed after she opened her eyes. "You slept with Damon Salvatore?"

Elena looked at her friend, in disbelief for a second, but then rolling her eyes believing that Caroline was trying to fool her - she was the only one who saw Elena leave with Damon, and could have easily told Bonnie.

Bonnie seemed a little disheartened that her friend didn't believe her, but continued to lay out a couple of plates in the kitchen. Handing one to Elena, their skin touched once again, and this time, Bonnie dropped the plate out of shock, shattering it into a thousand tiny pieces. The brunette noticed her friend was staring at her, but bent down to pick up the plate.

"I have to go Elena, I'll call you."

With that, Bonnie hurried out of the house, dialling her phone as she went. For a moment, Elena was confused, but ultimately decided to take the box of pizza and sit back in the living room. She took a seat and read back over the instructions Stefan had left her.

Alternate doses of painkillers and a sip of blood until wounds heal.

Having taken painkillers when she woke five hours ago, it meant Elena should take a sip of the blood Stefan had give her, which had so far been ineffective. She lifted the vial up to her mouth and swallowed a little. Immediately, she felt no effect, but minutes later, she felt something strange - a movement near her abdomen.

Later that night, Elena couldn't help but wonder, what if Bonnie had been telling the truth? She knew that her friend had slept with Damon, but what if that was because she was a witch?

Unable to handle not knowing, she found herself sneaking downstairs and driving over to Sheila Bennett's house, where she knew Bonnie would be staying. Looking through the the window on the door, they were sat on the sofa, grave expressions on their faces. Elena lifted her hand up to knock, but before she could, the door swung open.

"Come on in Elena." Sheila said, neither of them moving from their position to look at Elena. "Please, take a seat, we have some news for you."

Elena moved to sit opposite them as Sheila had asked, rather unnerved at the change in atmosphere as she entered the home she had spent so much of her childhood in.

"Now, Elena dear, I need you to tell us everything that happened after you met Damon Salvatore."

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