Chapter 10

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The Salvatore house had never been so quiet with the two brothers in there together as it was that evening. Damon held his glass of bourbon in his hand, his mind too occupied to do anything else but sit there. Whereas the younger of the two, Stefan, couldn't stop moving. His foot was tapping anxiously on the floor as he stared at the door waiting for it to swing open.

"Will you stop that insistent tapping Stefan, or I will be forced to break your neck, and that won't be beneficial for anyone."

The sound stopped and was replaced with footsteps as Stefan began to pace around the room, his shoes clicking as they hit the floor.

"For the sake of my sanity and the human population of this town, just call her. Or I will be driven to make irrational decisions and have no choice but to go on a killing spree."

Stefan stared at his brother for a few seconds, then, with no hesitation, picked up his phone and noticed the message he had from Elena. Immediately he played it, and upon hearing the first few words, his heart began to race in his chest.

Not even waiting until the end of the message, as soon as he knew where she was and what her intentions were, he dashed out of the door and to the clock tower before Damon could even process what was happening. He was tempted to follow his brother, but instead opted to sit and drink until he couldn't remember his own name, hoping that would take away at least some of his problems.

Upon arriving at the clock tower, Stefan couldn't see Elena anywhere, she wasn't at the top or at the bottom. He took his phone from his pocket and dialled her number as he combed through his spinning head to try and remember where she lived. As he rushed to her house, he kept phoning again and again, not bothering to leave a message before trying again.

When he eventually arrived he stopped at the door, remembering that he had not yet been invited in. He opted to shout out her name as loud as he could while knocking on her door in an attempt to get in.

"It's open!"

He heard her voice a few minutes later, it sounded weak, strained.

"You can come in."

After hearing those words, Stefan used all the strength in him to push the door open, not being phased as it fell to the floor, but instead stepping over it so he could find her. He could hear her heavy breaths and rushed to them.

The second Elena saw Stefan, she did what she had longed to do since what felt like forever. She ran to him, wrapping her arms around him as she allowed him to be there for her.

"You're okay." He said, elated to feel her heart beating against his chest.

"I'm okay." She replied, a single tear falling down her cheek and onto his shirt, leaving a little wet patch where it landed.

Walking into the room and seeing them stood there, you would not have guessed that they were both beyond content. They looked as though they had just received the worst news in the world, what with her crying her eyes out and him comforting her, but this moment, believe it or not had been the best thing that had happened to either of them in the last few weeks.

And that's exactly what was going through the witch's mind as she slowly lifted her hand up into the air, causing the vampire to fall to his knees before collapsing, and the girl to rest her hand on her abdomen before her body went limp.

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