Chapter 9

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Trying to digest the news that half the witch population wanted her dead, Elena's breathing naturally quickened, causing her heart to beat faster in her chest until it was ready to break out. Both of the brothers heard this, turning their heads to see Elena stood there, frozen in absolute fear.

It was both of their instincts to rush to her side and to comfort her, but both of them recognised that it was their fault she was in this position. So, when she walked towards the door, neither one of them stopped her, they instead stared after her, waiting for the door to open and for her to return, safe.

Meanwhile, whilst the two boys waited anxiously, neither of them sure what to do, Elena found herself wondering aimlessly around Mystic Falls, unable to clear her mind of all that filled it.

Thoughts swirled around her head, so fast that she couldn't take a step further without feeling as though she would collapse. She sat on the bench and took a deep breath in, allowing the air to fill her lungs before exhaling and immediately feeling a little calmer.

She looked up at the clock tower. She had never quite realised how high it was up there. It seemed a rather attractive idea to her, one jump, one fall and this would be over, the witches would get their wish, yet they would not win, she would not go through the pain of losing a child, her child, to them.

She had been up there before, with her parents. Never quite all the way, but she knew how to get to the top. Through the door and up the stairs.

As she ascended the staircase, she debated with herself in her mind, but nevertheless, she still found herself at the top of the clock tower, staring down at the street she was on, wondering what led her to this moment.

As she looked out, she rested her hand on her abdomen, trying to convince herself this was best for both of them.

Elena took a breath and took a moment. Realising she had no paper to write anything, she picked up her phone and dialled Stefan's number. It went to voicemail and she wasn't sure if she was relieved or not.

"Hi, it's Elena. I don't really know why I'm calling, in fact, I don't know why I'm doing any of this, but all you need to know is that it's not your fault. Regardless of what you may think. I'm at the clock tower. I just can't do this, I can't be a mother, yet I can't let anyone take my baby from me, so this needs to end."

As she spoke, she felt tears pool in her eyes and she knew she had to hang up the phone before they slid down her cheeks.

"Goodbye Stefan."

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