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The sun rose gracefully in the clear sky glazing down on the peaceful lands of Clarins. Its warm, brilliant light spread across the place while greeting the light breeze in the air. The kingdom of Clarins was becoming more alive at each passing second as more people got up from their warm beds and peaceful slumber, declaring the start of this brand new day.

Inside of the grand gardens of the big fascinating palace of wistal, two little chickadees took a tour around. They flew down to one of the camber's window and rested on the windowsill. Their small yellow heads flickered left and right as they chirped happily calling out to the sleeping figure on the huge bed. 

 His highness prince Zen stirred slightly in his sleep as he rolled over to his side and slung an arm over the closest pillow seeking it's warmth. 

Ah the bliss, but wait............wasn't today supposed to be REALLY important...?

 Zen's eyes flitted open and he shot out of bed. His blue-ocean eyes wondered the room until they landed on the small pocket-watch on the nearby side table.

Sighing with relief that he wasn't late yet, Zen walked to his big wardrobe. He picked his change of clothes and started preparing for the special day.


Prince Zen was briskly walking towards the castle gates, his stride faster than usual and his handsome face giving away some of the excitement that was burning in his heart.

He rounded a corner of the castle, which opened up into a giant cobblestone courtyard where guards stood watch at every entrance. Zen  continued to walk down the small set of stairs as he spotted the two  familiar figures of his aides.

Mitsuhide smiled upon seeing the excitement and anticipation glowing in the eyes of his approaching friend.

"You seem really excited zen," 

Reaching his trusted friend and aide, Zen grinned "Well, we do have some special guests honoring us today, don't we ?"

"That we sure do," mitsuhide grinned back.

"They should be here at any moment now,"  Kiki stated.

Zen was about to affirm her statement  when the sound of heavy metal clicking arose.

 The two guards stationed in front of the gates pressed against them, slowly pushing the heavy metal gates open as to let the person on horseback along with a carriage through.

A certain amber eyed man threw his legs over the saddle and effortlessly hopped to the ground. He walked forward and performed a formal bow. Rising up from his bow the man looked up at them all, and for a moment everyone was silent.

At long last, the man's serious expression broke into one of his trademark toothy grins. "Long time no see Master, Miss, Mister !" he greeted casually.

"You never change, do you, obi?" Zen's teasing grin appeared instantly.

"Of course not, you'd miss me too much if I did," Obi shrugged.

"Hello obi, " kiki greeted.

"Ah Miss kiki as serious as ever," obi grinned at her stoic expression.

"How have you been obi ?" mitsuhide broke in.

"I would love to share the story of my life with you but I am sure there's a certain person Master is dying to see," Obi chuckled as he headed to the carriage, opening the door.

"You have no idea" mitsuhide mumbled earning himself a playful smack on the head from a slightly frustrated Zen.

Shirayuki emerged from the carriage. The beautiful red-haired lady smiled as she performed a short curtsy. Rising up she looked at zen and that was the moment they felt their entire world shifting. Brilliant sapphire met with precious emerald. Their eyes held each other for a moment and everything seemed to disappear for them.

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