In The Cliff

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A/N : Thank you @Nesi936 for reading my story, and I apologize to you, and all the other readers, for the inconveniently long wait. Please do enjoy this chapter, and hopefully, more will follow much faster.


Out of all the ways to die, having your throat slit open by some lunatic's mistress was not on Shirayuki's top ten ways to die list. Maybe dying at age seventy after a peaceful life with Zen and all of her friends. 

Yeah, that would be nice. She decided. 

Minutes turned to hours as the blade drew closer and closer to her throat, Shirayuki found herself wishing it would end already. But just when the cold blade was two inches away from her chin, it changed courses and sliced through the ropes binding her hands instead.

Shocked as she was, Shirayuki sat slack jawed as Paricidia worked her way through the knots on her legs. The ropes fell down in a semi-circle around the chair. Paricidia looked up with a wide grin.

"You're going to catch flies, your highness" she sheathed her dagger "I don't recon they taste good."

Shirayuki blinked. She looked down at her free hands and legs then at Paricidia then back at her hands just for good measures.


Paricidia glanced out the small window, "We don't have time. I'll explain everything on the way."

Shirayuki frowned. She didn't like leaving with this woman. Paricidia clearly had some sort of identity crisis, and while she cut her ropes, there was still a very good possibility that she was working with another side of bad guys. Shirayuki really didn't want to get kidnapped from her kidnappers. Not again.

  But on the other hand, if she didn't go, she'd be stuck here with Dirus/Malum (Whatever you want to call him) and the other gentlemen working with him. She didn't like that either.

I'm most likely going to die either way, might as well try. 

"Fine," she stood up with a determinant glare "But I want some explanation, Paricidia."

"Lena, name is Lena. Paricidia is just a disguise." Lena walked to the door and eased it open. Surprisingly no noise erupted. She then turned to Shirayuki with another cheeky grin "See, I'm already giving you answers. Now com'n let's go."

They sneaked their way out. Lena surveyed the clearing. Her eyes were so sharp shirayuki had the feeling Lena could see right through the darkness with absolute clarity.

"This way," Lena whispered. She turned to the left, her back pressed against the side of the hut and sprinted. Shirayuki took off after her, straining on the tips of her toes in an attempt to silence her footsteps.

"Where are we going ?" Shirayuki shout-whispered.

"We are meeting lord Leon at the edge of the forest." Lena whispered back.

"Leon? Counselor Leon ? What does he have to do with any- ?" Shirayuki words caught in her throat when, out of nowhere, a huge root appeared in her way. She jumped barely avoiding a face first hug with the dirt. She flinched. Too much noise.

"Keep moving," Shirayuki sighed. Out of all the clothes in her giant walk-in wardrobe she had to pick the blue puffy dress to get kidnapped in. Go figure!

The trees were starting to retreat, silver light managed it's way through the leaves. 

We must be nearing the rim of the forest. Shirayuki observed.

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