The Voice Within

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 Hi guys! I am really sorry for the long wait. I have been suffering a really bad writer's block , my mind has been like a white sheet of paper for the past *smiles sheepishly* 

And now by all means please do enjoy this chapter.


Amber flames with scarlet flecks whipped at the air, hungrily devouring whatever stood in their way. 

Shirayuki was unpleasantly jolted from her sleep as the deafening sound of clashing swords invaded her room. Hastily, she ran to the window and looked outside. Her confusion was only increased by the calmness and stillness the outside world seemed to enjoy. a few tense moments later, she sighed in relief, it was probably  just her imagination, but no sooner had the air left her lips, it was sucked back to her lungs in a frightened gasp.

Screams and cries of anguish and pain violated her ears and she had to cover them with her hands in a useless attempt to protect her hearing, stumbling backwards and falling in the process. Shakily, shirayuki stood up and peered out of the window -more cautiously  this time-, and just like the previous attempt, the scenery outside was greatly confusing and uncomfortable.Everything was gravely still and impossibly silent. A shudder ran down her spine and she backed away from the window just in time for the loud echos of heavy footsteps to reach her ears.

Fear started to infest in shirayuki's chest and she could feel her brain banging against her skull trying to come up with a rational explanation for the current events.

A few calming breaths later,-deciding that it's better to move and see what this is all about- shirayuki had slipped in her shoes and sneaked  through the door and out to the lone hallway. The spacious, grandly carpeted hallway that she walked through in the morning was no where to be seen ; the wide space became so narrow shirayuki's shoulders kept brushing against the walls, the lavishly carpeted floor that gave the place such elegance a few hours ago disappeared and was replaced with gleaming dark marble, the twenty-meters high windows that were adorned with fine lilac-white long curtains and introduced brilliant sun rays vanished with nothing but eternal darkness to replace them. 

Holding her breath with every single step she took, shirayuki rounded the corner and made her way through the next extremely dark corridor. Shirayuki squinted her eyes very hard and welled them to adjust to the unusual  darkness that seemed to have overtaken the entire place, in hope to avoid tripping over her own feet.

She walked and walked and walked and walked but the blasted corridor just wasn't ending. The deafening silence wasn't budging either save it for the tortured screams and sound of approaching footsteps that erupted occasionally without a source to be defined.

"Where do you think you're going ?" an impassive thick voice asked out of nowhere.

Shirayuki turned around so sharply , she was sure she strained her ankle. Her heart was beating so fast it was a wonder it was still functioning. Her eyes searched frantically for the source of the emotion-less voice.


As far as she could see -which was not exactly a lot-, there was absolutely no one standing in that corridor besides herself.

"Where do you think you're going ?" the passive voice repeated.

"Who are you? show your self!" shirayuki demanded bravely.

"Never mind who I am. Where are you going ?" the voice insisted, ignoring shirayuki's demand.

The image of a silver haired handsome young man flashed before her eyes, his clear blue eyes  sparkling happily as he chanted her name. Her heart rate picked up and she felt joy spread through her; relieving her from the fear that consumed her and clearing her head from the confusion that fogged her mind. She smiled as she knew the exact person she is going to go to.

The future that we write togetherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ