Finally Found You.

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(Hello, everyone first of all I owe all of you a big, a very big apology for not updating in so long, I am so so so so so so so so sorry! but on my defense I blame school :( Anyway ....please click a vote and leave a comment :).And now please enjoy the fifth chapter :3 )

???? P.O.V

I looked outside of the carriage's window as the rain poured that late afternoon. My eyes caught the sight of two little girls running together hand in hand and laughing while trying to find themselves a shelter from the falling rain. It was raining that day as well, the day she left and never returned again. My eyes shot close as the memories begun to resurface inside my mind all over again. I remembered begging her to stay while she was packing her things in a small bag. I also remembered that I couldn't stop my beloved sister from leaving. The one and only person who meant the world for me, the one person who I cared for and loved the most, the one person who made me smile so brightly and laugh mischievously, ever since the day my beloved mother passed away.

"Don't worry my dearest, and don't let those beautiful eyes of yours shed anymore tears, as you know how precious they are to me. I am going to live my life the way I want, and so should you dear sister. Please be happy for me." her kind words rang in my ears again, her soft, soothing voice and her beautiful bright smile all came back to me as if it all happened yesterday instead of twenty five years ago. Then the worst moment, the one that always hunted me came, as she gently pulled her hand free from my grip and stepped back, she kissed my forehead and started running towards the door. Her emerald eyes looked back at me with affection before she took off running and disappearing through the cold, dark hallways of the castle. And all I could do was to silently cry while listening as the sound of her light foot steps disappeared.

I inhaled sharply as I did not wish to let any of the gathering tears slide. Suddenly the carriage came to a stop, I reopened my eyes bringing my thoughts back to the present, I might be able to control and suppress my thoughts but never my regrets for not stopping my older sister from leaving on that dreadful day. If only I was able to go back in time.......

A guard of whom were escorting me on my trip knocked on the door and informed that we have arrived to our intended destination. I sighed inwardly as I replied with a calm 'yes'.

Now is not the time for me to pity myself, I am here on an important mission for my kingdom's sake, so I have to keep it together......

Mean while in wistal's palace in front of the sun rays gate (I just made the name ;)

"Your majesty, your highness they have arrived" A man spoke formally as he addressed the king and the second prince.

"Very well then, open the gates." Izana spoke with his calm yet commending tone of voice.

"Yes, your majesty" the man bowed respectfully before leaving to do what he was asked to.

Zen who was dressed in his princely formal attire, was standing gracefully next to Izana, his two aids and messenger taking their places behind him.

"Tell me again mister, why must I be wearing this attire and why are we standing here in such way ?" obi who was clearly bothered by his black formal attire asked a calm/serious looking mitsuhide.

"For the tenth time already!" mitsuhide sighed "The queen of yukitopia is honoring us with a visit today, and so zen can't afford you to look like a suspicious person . At ALL!"

"Yukitopia....?" obi questioned. Mitsuhide turned his head to obi with visible irritation and a 'Are you kidding me !?' look. Only to be faced by a smirk and a shrug from obi's side.

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