So Grateful

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"Sh...Shirayuki!" The name was ripped out of his lips, but he didn't mind. His head was spinning so fast he saw things he knew didn't exist, but he was okay with it. His lungs burnt with every wrecking sob, but he ignored the pain. The one and only thing that mattered to him at the moment was Shirayuki. Shirayuki and her beautiful, green, open eyes. Shirayuki and her faint smile. Shirayuki and her pale, beautiful face. Shirayuki and Oh heavens she was alive! She was alive and she was smiling down at him!

Earlier, he had dozed off only to be awakened by the gentlest touch. When he opened his eyes, he found her beautiful ones staring up at him and happiness, relief, shock, and many many more crashed together, rendering him into a sobbing mess.

"Zen," It was a horas whisper, a barely audible sound, but to him it was much more musical than any melody could ever dream to be. It was angelic and beautiful and it did nothing to cease his sobbing.

"Zen, if you hold any tighter my hand might just fall off, you know," 

He nodded.

When he didn't let go, she sighed. "I take it you missed me?"

And that was it. He shot up, took a step forward, leaned over the bed, and crashed his lips to hers. It was nothing like their other kisses; this one had too much force, too much sadness, too much desperation to be romantic, but it also had too much longing, too much happiness, too much relief, and too many sobs to be anything but romantic.

"I thought I lost you," He touched her forehead with his own, breathing the words into her lips. "I really thought I lost you, Shirayuki,"

Now that he was looking at her closely, he noted her eyes were a few shades paler than usual, but just as beautiful.

"You'll never lose me," Her eyes teared and she raised a hand to touch his cheek. It was weak and fragile, but it was hers and it was warm and that was all the comfort he needed.

"I'll always be with you. I will never leave you at all, much less to a place where you can't follow me to. I never want to go to such a place."

He knew he shouldn't, she had just awoken, her body was obviously too weak to handle any form of pressure, but he couldn't help it. He hugged her tightly, sinking his head into the nap of her neck. 

"I love you,"

Then she was crying, he was crying,  their intruding bunch of friends that had somehow ended up sprawled on the floor was also crying, and for the first time in almost a week, Zen chuckled. He figured they'd need a lot of tissues afterwards.


 Zen swore he had never attended so many celebrations in one week, as Clarins's second prince, that was saying something.

The one to celebrate Shirayuki's well being, followed by the coronation ceremony, then the celebration afterwards, not to mention the many parties and balls held on Shirayuki's honor by Yukitopia's nobles, and then came the celebration to send them off back to Clarins. Zen swore if he had to dance one more time, he would punch Obi's head through a wall.

"Why my head, Master?" Obi inquired upon being informed of Zen's intentions.

"It's the toughest," Zen huffed.

"I'll take that as a compliment,"

"It isn't,"

"I know, but I'll take it as one,"

Zen sighed. His hand clenched at his side, feeling cold and anxious without the warmth that he so desired to be at his side right now.

"Is Shirayuki not finished yet?" His eyes darted around the yard, searching for a glimpse of red.

"Be patient, Zen," Kiki scolded. "She's thanking the woman who saved her life,"

"Which, may I add, you should be doing as well," Mitsuhide said.

"I did," Zen said silently. Imagine his surprise when he was told by Shirayuki that the credit to her sudden - but greatly welcomed - awakening goes to the old woman they happened to meet in the forest all those weeks back. Apparently she was a pharmacist who works at the palace and was the one to figure out the cure to Shirayuki's seemingly impossible condition.

Zen had thanked the woman so much, so many times, she had to tell him off, saying "I appreciate your gratitude, prince Zen, I really do, but bowing to a commoner like myself is not befitting of a prince such as yourself. Besides, princess Shirayuki saved my life back at the forest, now we're even,"

Still, Zen thanked her again and again and again until he was dragged away by Obi.

At long last, Shirayuki came out, skipping towards him. She threw her arms around him and laughed out loud.

"Woah, there!" He wrapped his arms around her tightly. " Take it easy, Shirayuki, you aren't fully  recovered yet,"

"I'm fine," She chuckled, breaking the hug but not quite letting go. "I'm great, I'm happy, I'm just grateful for everything in my life,"

He smiled down at her, taking her cold hands in his. "So am I,"

Farewells and promises of visits and keeping in touch were exchanged tearfully and finally, about an hour later, their carriage was on it's way to Clarins - their home.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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