No harm no foul, right ?

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"And we're here! welcome to yukitopia everyone!" viviyane smiled as soon as they were out of the dense, green wall that was constructed by the giant thick trees of yukitopia's forest.

"Wow.." shirayuki breathed in awe at the magnificent sight of the uncountable amount of buildings and houses of all different shapes and sizes scattered all about the seemingly endless kingdom. Emerald green greenery adorned every little inch of the land and big, rare plants bordered the many rivers where turquoise blue water took different courses and streamed calmly sending cool mist to your skin. The sun passed the mighty wooden bridges that took their respective places above each and every river, and filtered through the crystal clear water adding a more fascinating factor to the over all picture. And right in the middle of the site near the town's square stood the immense picturesque royal palace  with it's incredible architecture, golden domed towers and the kingdom's proudly fluttering flag  at the very top of the palace. 

"Beautiful isn't it ? " a wide fond smile stretched across viviyane's lips as she gazed down at her majestic kingdom.

"Yes, very, very beautiful." shirayuki answered sincerely, her eyes still gazing in fascination at the sight ahead.

Viviyane nodded before grinning down at shirayuki "Alright then. Let's go!"

After nodding and remounting their horses (and carriages in shirayuki and viviyane's case) the group along with the knights and guards escorting them made their way down the hill and straight to the royal palace.


Zen and shirayuki were seated in one of the many rooms in the palace, and needless to say it was spacious and grand just as expected. Obi, kiki and mitsuhide stood a few feet behind the couple and exchanged serious glances -well as serious as they possibly could with obi grinning, smirking and making several creative facial expression out of sheer "boredom" as he put it when confronted with an annoyed mitsuhide-. The small group of friends was waiting for the queen as she insisted to personally summon her daughter.

A few minutes later and the large double door opened signaling that the queen has returned. Zen and shirayuki stood up and turned to face the two royals.

There in the middle of the room stood viviyane along with a slender young woman. She had delicate features and a light comforting presence. Her curly black raven hair flowed down her back effortlessly, caressing her simple yet elegant blue silk dress. Her deep blue eyes observed shirayuki intently as she stepped forward. Shirayuki also took a few steps forward meeting the young woman in the middle. Once they were face to face, shirayuki took a deep breath and curtsied.

"Hello, my name is shirayuki. It's a great pleasure to finally make your acquaintance " she smiled hoping that she did not look as nervous as she felt.

The young woman stared at shirayuki for a few seconds before pulling her into a tight hug. Shirayuki was puzzled and did the only thing she could of .

She hugged her back. 

A few seconds later and the raven haired young woman pulled apart.

Shirayuki's puzzlement instantly caused a bright grin to break across the girl's delicately tinted red lips. "Hello shirayuki, I am Liliana and I am most delighted that we've finally found you!"

Shirayuki's eyes softened and she flashed a toothy white smile in return "So am I."

Liliana's eyes trailed to zen and she observed as he stepped forward and performed a brief bow.

"A pleasure to see you again, Liliana." zen grinned. 

"Like wise, zen" she grinned back.

Shirayuki looked back and forth between them. 'They know each other ?' she questioned herself.

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