Unfolded Past

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Hello again :3 Hope you didn't wait too long for this chapter. I am having quite the crazy week over here so it's a miracle that I was able to make this chapter this fast ;p

Anyway I am REALLY nervous about this chapter. I rewrote it five times already and I am still feeling uneasy about it! So now I really need you guys to comment more than ever. I am serious.

Now, without further ado here is the seventh chapter. Enjoy and do not forget to click a vote, comment and follow.

Zen and shirayuki sat together side by side in zen's office. The queen of yukitopia facing them.

 Kiki, mitsuhide and obi stood a few feet behind the couple observing the interesting interaction unfold between the two royals and the head pharmacist.

All the eyes were solely focused on the calm looking queen.

"I believe your all looking for an explanation for this rare occasion." started the queen, breaking the awkward and uncomfortable silence.

"Indeed we are...." spoke zen, still a little confused about what happened down at the banquet. The moment that the queen had pulled apart from the awkward and unexpected hug, she looked at shirayuki lovingly and held her hands. The tension and confusion in the room only grew bigger and it exploded when the queen spoke, her soft voice nearly a whisper "I have finally found....my dear shirayuki...."

Zen stood there in the middle of the banquet room staring at the the two figures before him. He didn't know rather to stand there, his mouth open with the possibility of catching any passing fly. Or should he try to do something to break the -not so welcomed- tension  in the room. 

After being able to compose himself, zen asked for mitsuhide, kiki and obi's presence and called upon a privet meeting.

"I am afraid that fully explaining what happened down stairs might take quite a lot of time" informed the queen her calmness never budging.

"We have all the time required" zen replied with a small nod.

"Very well" the queen nodded "Everything started twenty five years ago" the queen started ignoring the puzzled looks on everyone's faces.

Taking a deep breath, queen viviyane started explaining knowing that it's time to reveal the long hidden truth.

"Twenty five years ago, my mother the former queen of yukitopia passed away due to a fatal disease. King livius, my deceased father was greatly affected by her sudden death, and so all of the kindness, wisdom, strength and love within him disappeared and were replaced by anger, coldness, cruelty and un-contained hatred towards this world. He turned into a scary stranger for both me and my older sister. His controlling attitude grew and knew no limits. We no longer heard him laugh, no longer saw his warm smile, no longer saw life in his eyes.

King livius used to be someone both me and my sister looked up to. But then he turned to someone whom we couldn't even recognize. We were seeing him less and less. On our birthdays king livius sent us gifts through his aides like he lived on the other side of the world rather than the other side of the hall. We rarely saw him, and he became like a ghost to us, all he did was to give us orders through his aides and servants."  visible pain appeared in the queen's dull emerald eyes, a bitter smile made it's way to her thin lips. She drew another deep breath as she felt the events of that dreadful day resurface in her mind.........

Flash Back

The cheers and congratulations were heard in every little inch of the great kingdom of Yukitopia. Vivid festive decorations were held on top of every single building, as the happy melody of the vibrant music danced swiftly in the air reaching the enchanting palace of the kingdom.

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