1 {Arry} 1

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Warning! This story uses Jaelene Hinkle as the antagonist. This is not meant to be offensive or anything it just works with the story. If this offends you do not read. Also there is mild cursing. If you do not like that, do not read. Okay now enjoy!

I whipped the double doors opened and stormed into the chaotic school halls. I was angry. I was going to kill her! I made my way through the entry way and towards the left wing. Julie and Morgan appeared on either side of me. "Woah, what's got you fired up this early?" Morgan asked speeding up to keep up with my long, angry strides.

I said through gritted teeth, "Tobin Powell Heath."

I spotted her leaning against her locker. Julie put her arm out as I started to speed up. I glared at her, swatting her hand away. "Don't do anything you'll regret," she said with a chuckle.

I spat, "She'll be doing the regretting."

"Tobin Heath!" I shouted as I ran at her. I slammed her shoulders against the locker.

She chuckled and smiled at me. She bit her lip to stop her laughter when I sent another hard glare at her. She choked out, "What took you so long?"

I slammed her against the lockers again for emphasis. "Oh, just my idiot sister who left without me. I had to walk!" I complained angrily.

She gently pried my hands off of her. "Relax. I'll get you a milkshake."

I crossed my arms over my chest and stepped back. "It better be a ridiculously good, low calorie milkshake, otherwise you will be digging your grave."

She ruffled my hair as I swatted her hand away. Her best friends Lauren and Amy stood on either side, watching in amusement. "We got to go, but we'll see you later. Okay?" Lauren told me. I nodded. Lauren and Amy were practically my sisters. I waved goodbye. They left for class, the three of them walking through the halls like they we're popular or something.

I turned to Morgan and Julie. "Come to class with me?" I suggested playfully.

Julie laughed and rolled her eyes. "Hey, you're the one who skipped fifth grade."

I pouted but said goodbye.

+ + +

Lunch time came around. I met Lauren and Morgan at my locker before we went to the cafeteria. Morgan had to buy as always. We waited for her at the entrance. "Look the other way," Lauren suddenly said. I looked at her in confusion. I followed her line of sight to see Jaelene Hinkle getting in some girls face.

I gritted my teeth. "I swear—"

Lauren put a hand on my shoulder. "Deep breaths. Remember what Mr. Rite and Coach said about getting in another fight with Hinkle. She's not causing any serious harm. Don't get involved," she warned me in a cautious tone. She worriedly looked at me. I didn't blame her. I was a wildcard sometimes.

I exaggerated my breathing to mock her command of deep breaths. Suddenly, Jaelene ripped the girl's bag off her shoulder. "They can suspend and bench my ass all they want," I snapped and ignored Lauren's protests.

I shoved Jaelene. She stumbled back a few steps. "Leave her alone Hinkle," I said. She emptied out the girls bag and dropped it over my head. My vision went dark.

"What you gonna do Heath? Get your mommy and daddy to save you? Oh wait, there dead," she said. I could feel her smirk through the fabric.

I threw the bag off my head and grabbed Jaelene's shirt collar. Our faces were inches apart as I said, "Walk away. You're gonna get us benched."

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