4 {Lauren} 4

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"Hey! I'm watching you two." I glared at my sister and her girlfriend. I was actually glad my sister found someone as caring as Meghan Klingenberg. I knew that Kling truly loved her. Plus, I wasn't complaining about Kling's ability to protect her. Though as an older sister, it was my duty to be overbearing.

Kling gave me a cheeky yet reassuring grin. The defender went to peck Morgan on the lips but I pulled her shirt. "Yeah. I don't think so," I said.

I felt arms wrap around my waist. I leaned my head back and kissed the man hugging me. I heard Morgan mutter, "Hypocrite." I ignored her comment and turned to face Jrue.

He smiled at me. "Hey babe," he said and brushed my hair behind my shoulders. I smiled against his chest.

Our moment was interrupted by a certain Kelley O'hara shouting my name as she sprinted towards me. "Slow down KO," I said as I removed myself from Jrue's hold. She pointed to the back door. Her eyes were filled with worry and she was rushing her words. "Calm down." I used my hands to emphasize my point.

She glanced at the door. "It's Arry," she fretted. "She's wasted and upset and I don't know why."

"Where is she?" I asked, my heart dropping. She motioned me to follow her.

I looked at her strangely. I cleared my throat and said, "Kel, I appreciate your help but isn't your girlfriend puking her guts out at Rapinoe's."

She bit her lip. "I want to make sure Arry's alright. Hope will be okay. Carli's with her."

She turned quickly and started to rush out. "Kelley—"

"We have to go. I'm really worried about her."


"I'm worried that she'll—"


She looked at me. She truly looked worried and frazzled. She also seemed distracted and all over. "How much have you had to drink?" I asked her sternly.

She shook her head. "Barely any."

I give her a sympathetic look. "Are you and Hope okay?"

"We're fine!" She snapped. "Now can we please go before Arry gets in serious trouble."

Fight! Fight! Fight!

"Could Hinkle be here by any chance?" Morgan asked cautiously.  We make eye contact before sprinting out the glass doors. The chants continued as we sprinted to the growing crowd. We pushed our way through. At the center was a drunk and angry Arry Heath but no sign of Hinkle. In fact, she was also in the crowd chanting with the others. Arry glared at Servando Carrasco.

My anger flared at the sight of him. This doofus had thought he could mess with Arry and get away with it. I wasn't surprised he was the one provoking a drunk and vulnerable Heath. I saw Alex watching helplessly. She wasn't in the crowd but she wasn't in the eye of the hurricane. She stood in an entire sm zone of her own.

"Serv!" I heard Alex plead. "She doesn't know what she's talking about. She's not worth it."

I could tell that Kelley was just as confused as I was. Servando growled, "No one messes with my girl."

Arry lunged at him. He dodged her, and they were once again low and ready to pounce. "She's not your girl. You've met her once, idiot," she said. Servando sent a punch. In any other situation, she would have sidestepped easily. Problem was she was flat out wasted. I could feel Kelley seething beside me.

She stumbled backwards into the crowd. They pushed her back cheering and hollering. She clutched her face. I wasn't sure if it was from a growing headache or the punch she just ate. The boy's soccer captain smirked. "Actually, she's my girlfriend. Who's the idiot now?"

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