10 {Arry} 10

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Nothing made sense. Everything felt surreal like I was living a nightmare. The past forty-eight hours were hazy. I couldn't believe it. Even sitting in the waiting room with nurses insisting they check me out, I refused to believe it. But no matter how many times I tried to block it out, the truth came back. Stronger. I had been kidnapped.


I looked up. Before I could comprehend my surroundings, I was tackled. I stumbled back, basking in the loving embrace. "Hey, Jules."

She only gripped harder. I suppressed a hiss as her arms came in contact with my burns. Her tears dampened my shirt.

I grunted as another body latched onto us at full speed. "Moe," I groaned out.

My best friends pulled away. They both looked exhausted and teary-eyed. I still couldn't believe they were actually standing before me. I couldn't believe I was free.

Hope and Carli approached soon after. They both hugged me tightly. I bit my lip through the pain. They couldn't know. Carli asked me dozens of questions and checked me over. Hope glared at passing people, gripping my shoulder protectively. Some guy's eyes were trained on us as he passed by. Hope stared back. "Got a problem, buddy?"

I didn't stop her. For once, I wanted her protection.

"Your sisters are on their way," Carli comforted. "Did you get checked out?"

I shook my head. "You know I can't, Car. I wouldn't be released without my parents."

Her eyebrows furrowed together. "Than why are we still here?"

Before I could respond, the doors to the wing burst open. Becky, the other team captain, and baby Mal came rushing in. The eighth grader took off at a sprint and leaped into my arms. This time I grunted with pain. No one noticed, assuming it was from Mal jumping on me. She gripped me tightly. "I thought you were gone forever!"

I chuckled half-heartedly, letting her down. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

Becky turned to Carli. "The rest of the team are on their way."

The midfielder sighed. "I don't know, Becky. It might not be worth coming," she reasoned. "Arry isn't even getting treated."

Realization crossed Becky's features. She turned to me. "And why not?" She demanded.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm fine!"

I looked to Julie and Moe. They were my best friends. They would back me up, right? I gave them pleading looks. They turned to each other.

Moe spoke up first. "Well, Arry, I hate to break it to you, but you were kidnapped."

Julie rolled her eyes. "Well worded, Moe," she said sarcastically.

"I'm fine," I snapped.

None of the seniors looked convinced. Hope shook her head as if she thought I was being ridiculous. "Arry. You were kidnapped."

"You don't think I know that?" I snapped.

No one knew what to say. Morgan hesitated then said, "Sometimes, it's easier to be in denial."

I yanked my pant leg up before I could rethink it. Glossy red streaks lined my leg. I knew they covered my thighs and my sides. "It's hard to be in denial when you're skin burns with reminders," I whispered shakily.

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