Charpter 13

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Rhett's P.O.V

Jessie and Christy were over at our house soon, we had a quick glass of wine and talked about our plans for the night, it was weird leaving without Link especially to go on a date.

I wasn't sure what was going to happen with Jessie but I was kinda hoping to get another kiss.

Link's P.O.V

When Rhett and Jessie left , I asked Christy what she wanted to order in.
"I love Indians."
"I love you" shit what did I just say, I was dying inside why did I say that to her.
"I love you too Link."

I hadn't even processed what had just happened before me and Christy were kissing. She wrapped her legs round my waist as she kissed my fast and passionate. I moved my hands to under her and lifted her off the couch, I walked upstairs with her round my waist trying not to fall but also trying to not lose control of the kiss.

I sat her on the bed before she grabbed my shirt and pulled me on to her.

Rhett's P.O.V

When we got to the restaurant Jessie asked me about my relationship with Link, it was so out of the blue that I almost choked on my drink.

" and Link? Em....we are fine why you asking ?"
"Oh no it doesn't matter."
"Jessie don't be that person, it you start a conversation you need to finish it."
"Because Rhett I really like you and it's driving me crazy that you don't like me." Silence.

Once our meal had finished we decided to go a walk, our first conversation of the night wasn't brought up again I hadn't even replied to her last comment but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Jessie" I said as I grabbed her wrist." About earlier..."
"...It's okay Rhett honestly I understand." She cut in.
"No you don't understand, Jessie I really like really like you, I think about you all the time, your the person I want to talk to about things, I love Link I really do but your the person I'm in love with and there's a big difference between them."

I expect a reply instead I was greeted by her soft lips, she always tasted like strawberries in a weird way, I slid my hands from my side into her hair and kissed her back.

Link's P.O.V

I lay next to Christy out of breath, her body was so perfect against mine, she had the most amazing figure ever and it was even better like this, I'd never done anything like that before but I loved it.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
I moved back onto Christy kissing her as we were skin to skin, I never expected to do anymore than kissing tonight but that's what happened, our kiss deepened yet again I was in control of our movements her natural body against mine felt so right.


Rhett's P.O.V

After my long kiss with Jessie, we decided to back to mine and see Link and Christy.

When I got up to the door I realised I forgot my keys, so I rang the doorbell. No answer I didn't know why Link wouldn't have answered the door so I shot him a text

Link's P.O.V

Rhett was outside,
"Christy we need to get dressed,now"
She obviously saw the panicked in my eyes because she quickly had her underwear back on and was throwing me my clothes that were scattered around the room.

I ran downstairs while Christy got her t-shirt on.

"LINK." Rhett gasped from the bench on our porch. I slammed the door shut, what was going on.
Rhett was bashing the door " Link, Link I can explain. Please just let me in to talk."
I stepped away from the door just as Christy sat on the couch looking comfy as if she had been there the whole time.
"Link look I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to find out like this." Rhett started crying " I never wanted to be the one to cheat "
"Rhett, Rhett look" I cupped his face in my hand "it's okay"
"No it's not."
"Yes, it is, Rhett I love Christy."

Rhett's P.O.V

What was going on.
"What do you mean you love Christy?"
"Over the past few months I've fallen in love with her." Link was crying as he held my face in his hands.
" you don't love me anymore."
"Rhett I still fucking love you." Link sounded really angry I wasn't sure if it was at me and himself or just the whole situation." Do you love me? Do you love Jessie?"
" I don't know Link, I...I'm confused."

Link's P.O.V

We all came to the decision Jessie and Christy should probably leave us alone.

" Rhett. I think we should take a break, just to figure out where we are. Where we stand."
"I agree Link but what about GMM? What about the mythical beasts."
" We could make a video explaining the situation, I'm sure they will understand."
"What the hell are we going to say, oh by the way me and Link both cheating on each other but we still love each other, we need a break to sort things out."
"Rhett the true mythical beasts will understand, I say we tell them we need a few months off to find ourselves but we will be back."

We decided on what to say, we filmed the video ending it with a kind of last kiss between me and Rhett. "remember we love all of you, and be your mythical best."

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