Chapter Four

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When I woke up, the sun was showing through the blinds and I rubbed my eyes and moaned. Then it hit me, this isn't my room. I tried to remember what happened and where I could be and I couldn't remember a single thing except for getting lunch yesterday. I must have gone to that party and got super wasted and hooked up with some random guy and here I am in his dorm and he's probably in the bathroom and is going to come back and realize I don't even remember him. I looked around the room and tried to remember something, anything. But as I looked at the carpet, there he was, laying on the ground next to the bed. He has a pillow under his head and a thin blanket covering his body, and I could see his bare back and his curly hair. The black ink on his arms were exposed and his feet, poking out at the end of his blanket. I grabbed the heavier blanket on the bed and slowly stood up and covered his, more than likely, freezing body. I grabbed a large sweater I found on the dresser and padded out of the room as quietly as I could. When I left the room, I tried to find my way outside which ended up with me walking around his floor trying to find an elevator or staircase. When I finally got outside, the freezing morning air hit like a brick and the sun made my annoying headache worse so I adjusted the jacket on my body and tried to find my way to my dorm.

Lucky for me, it was just barely a five minute walk and when I got inside my room I jumped into my bed and wrapped my body in several blankets. I tried to see if my phone was in my plaid shirt tied around my waist and cursed under my breath in happiness when it was. I saw it was 9 AM and I immediately put my phone down and went back to sleep.

I woke up around 12 PM and got in the shower, trying to scrub the filth from last night off of me. Considering he was sleeping on the floor, I can assume he didn't take advantage of me, but who knows what happened before that. Only he does. Unless he doesn't remember either. I put the large sweater back on and a pair of leggings before heading to the coffee house for a bagel and hot chocolate, even if it is noon.

I sat at a table closest to a window and snacked on my bagel. I still felt nauseous but I knew I needed to eat. After the nap I felt a bit better but I still have a terrible hangover. As I sipped on my drink, I found myself sniffing the sweater. I couldn't help but want to keep it on forever. Getting up, I decided to walk back to Harry's dorm to see if he remembered anything.

When I got there I showed the lady my ID and she let me in no questions asked and I hit the number to his floor which I only remember from seeing it a million times trying to find the elevator. As the elevator stopped I got off and wandered the halls looking at all the signs on the doors, trying to find his name. Then there it was, a dry erase board with his name scribbled next to a weird drawing that I had no idea what it was supposed to be. 

I knocked on the door and stepped back and looked at the dry erase board again, admiring all the small drawings made around his name in the center. When the door opened, Harry stood in the doorway with a pair of basketball shorts on and no shirt, but his chest and hair were both wet and he was shaking a towel through his hair. His tattoos were glistening under the water from the shower he must have just taken. 

"Finley?" He asked giving me a small smile.

"Yeaah," I said trying to avoid the awkward eye contact. "I was hoping you could explain last night to me." He gave me another smile before letting me in and pointing to a bean bag chair near his bed. I walked in and sat down in the chair, sinking down from the 'beans' or whatever you call them. I adjusted my body so I wasn't so slouched and looked over at his as he pulled his other bean bag over and sat down.

"So last night huh?" He said raising his eyebrow. "What do you wanna know?" I rolled my eyes, of course he knows what I want to know.

"Well, I don't remember anything from last night and I happened to wake up in your bed so, yeah," I said trying my best to hold back a sarcastic tone. He laughed a little bit and it made me nervous.

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