Chapter Five

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When we got to the movie, Harry paid for everything, even though I made it a point to tell him that I was able to pay for myself. He just rolled his eyes and handed the lady at the stand the money and grabbed the popcorn and I took our pop in my hand and followed him to the room. He had changed clothes because he apparently was going to get cold but he changed into a black tshirt and jeans and he was wearing a snapback backwards on his head. I almost wanted to knock it off his head but it looked extremely hot on him. The black shirt complimented his toned arms and I found myself feeling happy I agreed to this horrible idea because now I get to see him in this attire and be extremely close to him. As we walked into though, my heart started beating out of my chest because I was so scared of how this movie was going to be, and how much it would actually get me. I have no idea how he would react to me flailing around like a little baby because of a dumb scary movie.

We sat in the back of the theater and he moved his eyebrows up and down like he was suggesting this was "the spot." I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him, putting the drink in the cup holder between us.

"Are you ready for this, I'm sooo excited," he said, acting exactly like an excited person would.

"Yeah," I lied forcing a smile on my face. He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"I've known you long enough to know that's not a good smile." Damn he's good.

"No I'm fine," I lied giving him an annoyed look and turning away from him and looking at the screen, watching the commercials.

"Tell me," he whined but I shook my head no and crossed my arms and tried to look even more annoyed so maybe he'd get the hint that I'm fine and leave me alone.

"You're not, scared, of scary movies are you?" He almost teased, reaching over and poking my side. I pushed his hand away.

"Stop I'm serious," and I could practically hear his mouth drop.

"Oh my god you are," he said much too loudly. He reached over and put his arm around my shoulder and before I could say anything he squeezed me closer to him so I was shoved against the side of the arm rest. I tried to fight and push him off but the more I fought, the tighter his grip got and his arms could practically crush me. "Just tell me when you're scared and I'll cover your eyes for you," he smiled and I could feel the vibrations from his voice on his chest. My head laid against his chest and his head rested on my head. I could feel his long eyelashes blink on the top of my head.

"I'm scared," I smiled and his hand shot out and covered my face. His hand literally was the size of my head and I laughed and grabbed his hand and used both of my hands to grip it so I could prepare myself for the worst movie of my life.


Her little hands wrapped around my thumb and middle finger. When the movie started, I could feel her breathing increase and I tried to force the smile on my face to go away.

"You know, for such an emotionless bad-ass, you're kind of a baby," I whispered into her ear and she squeezed my hand tighter and I pretended like it hurt, but really she's way too small to ever be able to hurt me. I knew the moment I saw her we were going to get along great. I heard from a kid in my World History class she was a bitch and ignored everyone and never went out. That's why I was so surprised to see her at that party. After she ditched the one I actually invited her to, I knew the rumor was true but she definitely proved me wrong. She literally changes her mind every 10 minutes. She goes from hating me and acting like I'm the most annoying person in the world to snuggling up against my chest, squeezing my hand at the smallest things in the movie that surprise her.

As the movie went on, I jumped once and that made her even more scared and she hid her face into my armpit and asked if it was safe yet about five times. When she looked back she brought my hand up to her face and used her finger to move the hair behind her ear. I could almost feel the fear on her, except, I could. Her hands were sweaty and gripping mine tightly, her breathing was rapid and irregular which wish I could take all the fear away from her and give it to myself.

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