Chapter 3: Oh No She Didn't

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  "SHE DID WHAT!!!!!" Syd and Kyle screamed.
  "HOW DARE SHE MESS UP MY SHIP!!!" Kyle screamed at the top if his lungs.
  "HOW DARE SHE JUST SWOOP IN AND DO THAT!!!!!" Syd yelled angrily.
  Busy arguing and yelling at the same time they didn't notice me crying.
  "What are we doing?" Kyle said putting his face in his hand.
  "This isn't about our personal interests," Syd explained, "It's about yours Chloe. So from me and Kyle. Are you okay?"
  I wiped a tear from my face. "No." I said. "How could I have been so stupid to fall in love. I knew in the end someone would get hurt. And it was me."
  "Oh Chloe I'm so so sorry." Syd said. She leaned over and gave me a hug. "Its okay though. Boys are overrated."
  I chuckled. "Thanks Syd."
  "I don't think boys are overrated..." Kyle murmured.
  "KYLE STOP BEING DUMB AND GIVE CHLOE A HUG!" Syd yelled. Kyle shut up and gave me a hug. He listens to Syd. I still he thinks he has feeling for her. At least I can focus on that instead of my failed relationships. I needed something different to focus on.
  "Thanks guys but I think I just need some time to myself." I explained. I got in my car and drove to my house.

  And there I slept my sorrows away.

Hope you liked it I know Ashlyn wasn't very nice. But don't worry it'll get better.

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