Chat 4

960 36 14

FashionMari and Adrienpuns has joined the chat

FashionMari: how long do you think it'll take for them to figure out that we're dating

Adrienpuns: I don't know but I'm glad they don't.

I_love_Camembert has joined the chat.

I_love_Camembert: Adrien where is my cheese.

Adrienpuns: Plagg

FashionMari: who's Plagg

CookieLover has joined the chat.

CookieLover: Plagg can you stop thinking about cheese.

FashionMari: Tikki you know him.

Adrienpuns: now I'm confused. Who's Tikki.

CookieLover: of course Mari. He's my soulmate and Chat Kwami.

FashionMari: Wait your Chat.

I_love_Camembert: busted.

Adrienpuns: Plagg shut up. And your Ladybug

FashionMari: I can't believe it. The flirting Chat is you

Adrienpuns: and the strong confidence Ladybug is you.

FashionMari: that me in the suit. I'm just a klutz

Adrienpuns: Mari you are not. You are a purrrfect girl.

FashionMari: so you like both parts of me.

Adrienpuns: if I didn't I wouldn't be dating you. Of course I love both sides of you.

I_love_Camembert: this is getting gross I'm leaving

I_love_Camembert has left the chat

CookieLover: Mari Akuma.

FashionMari: okay Tikki. See you out there kitty

CookieLover and FashionMari have left the chat

Adrienpuns: I am one love sick cat.

Adrienpuns has left the chat

Hey everyone. Any of you want to give some ideas for a chat. I would love to know

LadyNoir out

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