Chat 7

822 33 10

Ladyblogger, FashionMari, Adrienpuns, DJcool and EvilAkuma have joined the chat

Adrienpuns: um who invited HawkMoth

Ladyblogger: I did,

FashionMari: why?

Ladyblogger: so we can make fun of him

DJcool: I like the sound of that

EvilAkuma: so I'm only here so you can laugh at me

FashionMari: pretty much. Seeing all of your plans to get the miraculous fail

Adrienpuns: nice Mari

FashionMari: Thanks

EvilAkuma: that's because all my Akuma's don't listen to me.

DJcool: who would want to listen to you

Ladyblogger: burn.

EvilAkuma: fine I'll go Akumatised myself

EvilAkuma has left the chat

FashionMari: do you think he will even do that

Adrienpuns: it's hard to know what HawkMoth would do.

FashionMari: but to be sure he does Akumatised anyone we should still check

Adrienpuns: fine I be there soon.

FashionMari and Adrienpuns have left the chat

Ladyblogger: hey wait I need to get this on my blog

Ladyblogger has left the chat

DJcool: hey were did you guys all go.

DJcool: hello from the other side.

DJcool: I'll just go then

DJcool has left the chat

QueenBee has joined the chat

QueenBee: Adrienkins I have arrived.

QueenBee: wait were are you all

QueenBee has left the chat

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