Chat 11

691 33 18

Ladyblogger, FashionMari, Adrienpuns and DJcool have joined the chat

Ladyblogger: hey dudes and dudette.

DJcool: hey that my line.

Ladyblogger: whatever.

FashionMari: why do I put up with you guys.

Adrienpuns: same here.

DJcool: hey not cool.

FashionMari: whatever I'm going on patrol. Care to join kitty.

Adrienpuns: sure lets leave the

Ladyblogger: we are not Lovebugs.

Adrienpuns well you sure act like some.

FashionMari: Adrien shut up.

FashionMari has left the chat

Adrienpuns: later.

Adrienpuns has left the chat

DJcool: who wants to bet there not going on patrol.

Ladyblogger: they are I can see then at the Effie Tower.

EvilAkuma has joined the chat

EvilAkuma: hello fellow Akuma's.

DJcool: I am so agree with Adrien now. We aren't your Akuma's.

EvilAkuma: Oh but you already were as you will be again.

Ladyblogger: you'll have to catch us first HawkMoth.

DJcool: later. Have fun finding us.

Ladyblogger and DJcool have left the chat

EvilAkuma: I was only joking.

EvilAkuma: I'm now going to find a dark corner to cry in.

EvilAkuma has left the chat

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