Chat 15

586 28 4

Ladyblogger and Djcool have joined the chat

Ladyblogger: hey DJ.

DJcool: hey Alya, what's was up with Marinette and Adrien today.

Ladyblogger: I don't know they wouldn't tell me.

FashionMari has joined the chat

FashionMari: guys have you seen Adrien anywhere.

DJcool: sorry dudette I haven't seen him.

FashionMari: darn.

I_love_Camembert has joined the chat

FashionMari: Plagg where's Adrien.

I_love_Camembert: he's on the Eiffel Tower. You better get there fast.

FashionMari: thanks Plagg. Let's go.

FashionMari and I_love_Camembert have left the chat

Ladyblogger: okay I am really confused. What is going on.

DJcool: same here Alya, same here.

EvilAkuma has joined the chat

EvilAkuma: hello people.

Ladyblogger: you wouldn't have anything to do with Adrien would you.

EvilAkuma: no. Why would I.

DJcool: because. You would be the type of person.

Ladyblogger: Nino, Ladybug is out we gotta follow her.

DJcool: okay let's go.

Ladyblogger and DJcool have left the chat

EvilAkuma: oh well let's go help my Akuma.

EvilAkuma has left the chat.

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