Chat 23

384 24 2

Credit to nancy_xerneas

FashionMari and Tomatohead has joined the chat

Tomatohead: hey Mari.

FashionMari: who's this?

Tomatohead: It's Nathaniel.

FashionMari: oh. Hi Nath. What do you want.

Tomatohead: are you busy on Saturday.

FashionMari: depends, Why?

Tomatohead: well would you like to go on a date with me?

FashionMari: sorry no I'm going on a date with My Kitty.

FashionMari: Adrien give me back my phone.

Tomatohead: ?

FashionMari: this is Mari. Nath, I'm so so sorry about Adrien, he gets super jealous some times.

Tomatohead: it's okay Mari. Don't worry about it.

Tomatohead has left the chat

Adrienpuns has joined the chat

FashionMari: Adrien you better start running.

Adrienpuns: um okay then.

Adrienpuns has left the chat

FashionMari: Adrien is so dead.

FashionMari has left the chat

Hey everyone. I know there are some other versions of this, but personally I don't like them so I'm doing my version of it.

LadyNoir out

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