Chat 10

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Adrienpuns and QueenBee have joined the chat

QueenBee: Adrienkins why do you always hang out with Martrash.

Adrienpuns: because I love her and she is way better than you.

QueenBee: oh please just admit that you love me more.

Adrienpuns: I do don't. I love Marinette.

QueenBee: what so special about her.

Adrienpuns: for starters she is way nicer than you.

QueenBee: oh please I am nice.

Adrienpuns: I'd like to see that happen.

Ladyblogger and FashionMari have joined the chat

Adrienpuns: I'M SAVED.

QueenBee: Great I'm outta here.

QueenBee has left the chat.

FashionMari: um what did we just come into.

Adrienpuns: Chloe trying to get me to love her.

Ladyblogger: well it's a good thing Mari and I turned up in time.

FashionMari: indeed, or Chloe would have received a broken nose.

Ladyblogger: Mari you wouldn't.

FashionMari: I would if someone tried to steel my boyfriend.

Adrienpuns: and there it goes.


FashionMari: oops. Forgot.

Adrienpuns: we might want to go running.

Adrienpuns and FashionMari have left the chat

Ladyblogger: hey I'm not done.

Ladyblogger has left the chat

DJcool has joined the chat

DJcool: hey sorry I'm late.

DJcool: guys.

DJcool: I guess I miss it didn't I.

DJcool: I'm all alone.

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