Chat 12

653 32 5

Ladyblogger, FashionMari, Adrienpuns, DJcool, QueenBee and EvilAkuma have joined the chat

QueenBee: um who are you.

EvilAkuma: your worst nightmare.

FashionMari: Chloe he is HawkMoth. You help him in Akumatising people.

QueenBee: what you mean you talk to that thing.

EvilAkuma: I can see why your so good at giving me people to Akumatised.

QueenBee: excuse me. I have not done that to anyone.

Adrienpuns: let's see, you got, Alix, Alya, Nathaniel, Kim, Mylene, Marinette Uncle, Sabrina, Juleka and Rose all Akumatised.

DJcool: how do you know all that.

FashionMari: um your forgetting who we are Nino.

Ladyblogger: yeah how can you forget who your best friends are.

QueenBee: whatever it's there fault they got Akumatised.

FashionMari: according to me you've caused more than half the Akuma's.

Ladyblogger: Mari don't go all Max on us.

FashionMari: I wouldn't. I'm not as smart as him. I'm only smart in Akuma's.

Ladyblogger: how.

Adrienpuns: great their both forgetting.

FashionMari: yeah. Wanted go get Ice-cream.

Adrienpuns: sure.

FashionMari and Adrienpuns have left the chat

QueenBee: oh no you don't.

QueenBee has left the chat

EvilAkuma: I'm back. Where'd did everyone go.

DJcool: huh. Where did they go.

Ladyblogger: I don't know, but I gotta go update my blog.

Ladyblogger has left the chat

DJcool: ops got a gig to go to.

DJcool has left the chat

EvilAkuma: now I'm all alone again.

EvilAkuma: oh well let's go find someone to Akumatised.

EvilAkuma has left the chat

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