Chat 8

775 35 4

Ladyblogger and Adrienpuns has joined the chat

Ladyblogger: so Adrien, how are things with Marinette

Adrienpuns: what are you going on about

Ladyblogger: well we know you like her.

Adrienpuns: is it so easy to tell

Ladyblogger: yeah


Ladyblogger: seeing as you would willing kiss Marinette and not Chloe

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Ladyblogger: seeing as you would willing kiss Marinette and not Chloe

FashionMari has joined the chat

Adrienpuns: I can explain. Chloe is a annoying and I do like Marinette.

FashionMari: who said my name

Ladyblogger: when did you get here.

FashionMari: just now. And what are you doing

Adrienpuns: interrogating me

Ladyblogger: am not

Adrienpuns: are to. You keep asking about my relationship with Mari.

FashionMari: Oh boy. I'm outta here

FashionMari has left the chat

Adrienpuns: same here

Ladyblogger: oh no your not your staying here

Adrienpuns: sorry I have a photoshoot

Adrienpuns has left the chat

Ladyblogger: you do not. Get back here

Ladyblogger has left the chat

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