Chat 6

846 36 12

Ladyblogger, FashionMari, DJcool, Adrienpuns and QueenBee have joined the chat.

FashionMari: Umm who invited QueenBee here

Ladyblogger: yeah I don't remember inviting her

QueenBee: I did. And I would ask why your here Martrash

Adrienpuns: because she is

QueenBee: Adrienkins why are you defending this trash

Ladyblogger: because he is

DJcool: yeah because he love her

QueenBee: yeah right, how can Adrien ever love a piece of trash like her

FashionMari has left the chat

Ladyblogger: oh no. You'd better go after her Adrien.

Adrienpuns: got it. We don't want Marinette becoming Akumatised

Adrienpuns has left the chat

QueenBee: Adrienkins come back

QueenBee has left the chat

DJcool: well she's taking care of

Ladyblogger: yeah but we'd better go check that Mari's okay

Ladyblogger and DJcool have left the chat

EvilAkuma has joined the chat

EvilAkuma: hey where did everyone go

EvilAkuma: oh well let's go find someone to Akumatised

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