Chat 22

406 23 5

Credit to LittleNarwhale1204 for giving me the idea

Ladyblogger, FashionMari, Adrienpuns and DJcool have joined the chat

DJcool: Dude help me.

Adrienpuns: What with?

DJcool: asking Alya to the prom.

Adrienpuns: seriously. I'm in the same boat with Mari.

DJcool: I'd have thought that you had already asked her by now.

Adrienpuns: I would have, if some b***** would stop trying to break me and Mari up.

DJcool: Chloe.

Adrienpuns: yeah. How about you giving Alya flowers or something special then asked her?

DJcool: yeah and you do the same.

Adrienpuns: maybe. But I'd asked her on patrol.

DJcool: or we could just kidnap them and asked.

Adrienpuns: Nino that's completely stupid.

DJcool: I'd like to hear you idea Mr smarty pants.

Adrienpuns: fine. I'd suggest we take them on a date and then asked then at the end.

DJcool: No bad, Mari would like it but I don't know about Alya.

Ladyblogger: what I would like if you posted something on my blog asking me.

FashionMari: you guys are so stupid.


FashionMari: umm yes. Next time check which chat your in before you start texting.

Ladyblogger: I think we've lost Adrien.

Adrienpuns: yeah you just made him faint cus, you scared him. 🧀

FashionMari: Plagg just wave your Camembert in front of him and he'll wake up.

DJcool: Okay I'm going over to Adrien so you girls can't here is talk.

Ladyblogger: fine by us. At least we know that you guys are asking us.

DJcool: Uggg.

DJcool has left the chat

Adrienpuns: I so hate Plagg right now.

FashionMari: we know.

Adrienpuns: hey where'd Nino go?

Ladyblogger: he's on his way to you apparently.

Adrienpuns: okay thanks. Better go before he gets here then.

Adrienpuns has left the chat

Ladyblogger: so what now.

FashionMari: Hey Alya, want to go and spy on them?

Ladyblogger: though you'd never ask, last one they's a rotten egg.

FashionMari: we'll see.

FashionMari and Ladyblogger have left the chat

LadyNoir out

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