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'New Chapter :D'

Picture of Bruce on the side. I know in the cast it says Drew Roy but urh I tried changing it to Danny Schwarz, it won't change :( it was really kill me now moment. Anyway enjoy :D

I woke up to someone jumping around and singing.  


Don't get me wrong I love Ella, but mess with me and my sleep; you die. 

I'm not a morning person. soznotsoz

I groaned but woke up anyway. She was looking at me and smiling showing me her perfect teeth. I couldn't help but smile back, she looked so happy it was encouraging.

I couldn't bring myself to give her piece of mind, not that I was going to anyway but just for the laugh.

'What’s up?' I asked her still sleepy. I looked around to check the time and it was 10.30am. 

Holy shit.

'Don't tell me you are still sleepy? You’ve been sleeping since 6pm. get up now, we are going city,’ she looked at me disapprovingly.  I just shrugged.  

I really need to get used to the time thing 

I got up, to get ready and it was sunny today. Ah! I love the sun.

I wore a dress and my converse. My hair is naturally in lose curls so I didn't do anything with it and just left it as it is.

I don’t like to put any makeup on, and no I'm not a tomboy. It's just how I am. Make up is just eh. I just put a bit of lip balm on and I was ready to go. Plus my natural skin colour gives the look that people think I am wearing makeup.

We were in the car, singing along the radio. We talked about us.

 We had so much in common, it amazed me. 

'So, who do you go out with?' I asked her.

She blushed and said, 'No one. I'm waiting to find my mate' after that she was all nervous and started to say something but I interpreted her by laughing.  

Come on, mates?

'You believe in soul mates? Really? Next thing you tell me you want him to be a Vampire king' I asked her still laughing.  

This was by far the funniest thing she said.

She started laughing with me, but didn't say anything.

We reached city and I asked her to park the car because I wanted to walk around. 

Have I mentioned before that I love the sun? It feels so good; I was literally freezing last night.

'So, wait you're telling me that you don't watch The Vampire dairies?' I confirmed. 

'Um yeah?' she answered as if it was a crime.

Hell yeah, it was. How can she not watch The Vampire Dairies?  How was I going to share my love for Vampires with her now? 

'Please tell me you at least watch The Originals?' I really, really, really hoped she did. I mean, come on. These were the only shows I watched.

'Nopee' she answered and gave me fa funny look, I wonder why? I wasn't the one who doesn't watch the awesome shows.

 And ladies and gentlemen there goes my hope.

We walked around for a bit but then I told her I was tired. I have no idea but I just wanted to go back home and sleep, maybe I was just nervous and feeling uneasy because, well, I do start school tomorrow.

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