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Here is the new chapter, Enjoy reading :) it's not edited yet but I will edit it soon :D

Nobody has ever taught me how to feel or act in this kind of situation. I was clueless. I had no idea what to say.

I took the sheet mister held out for us and looked over at Bruce, who by the way looked just as I pictured him to look. Jaw clenched and this hand was in a fist. He pretty much looked like if someone says another thing he will punch 'em in the face.

Which I assume is why my teacher stopped talking. I walked out of the class without another word. If he really can't stand the sight of me, I'm more than happy to not show him my face.

I was angry, actually; Angry would be an understatement of how I was feeling right now.

'Ava! Wait.' I heard someone calling my name, the way my name came out of that sexy mouth almost had me dropping on my knees. SNAP OUT OF IT. I stopped and turned around to face Bruce. I'm really going to give him piece of mind.

'What the hell do you want from me now? You made it clear in the class that you can't even stand the sight of me.' I asked- told him. Is that even a thing? Ask-told? I'm sure pain was clear in my eyes because I saw when I said those things, his eyes softened.

'Do you really think that?' He asked me, his eyes held regret and shame; his voice came out as whisper

'Think what? I asked him

'I can't stand sight of you? Do you really think that?' he told me

'Action speaks louder than words and your action made it pretty clear that you can't.' I told him, my voice cracked a bit thinking about him making out with another girl in front of me, even thought we don't go out; we are not even friends but still there is thing called respect?

Something flickered in his eyes, which I assume was a look of understanding as he figured out that I was talking about the stunt he pulled in lunch hall, and then his eyes became cold and hard as they usually are.

'Yeah, you are right. I can't stand the sight of you; about what teacher said be at library after school. I'll drop you at Luke's myself. Don't be late or I will leave.' He told me, his voice held no emotion. So cold, so hard; with that he walked away.

What a bipolar son of a bit... I really need to stop swearing. What kind of example am I setting by swearing all the time, not a good one; I'm sure.

That's it, things I need to do-

Stop Swearing

Ignore Bruce as much I can

And do better in maths so Bruce won't have to tutor me

'We should really go to the mall or something in the weekend' Ella told me. While stuffing food in her mouth, she was sitting with Ian and Luke was sitting beside me. Bruce was nowhere in sight.

'Yeah, but teacher asked Bruce to take me sightseeing so he will have to take me somewhere, I have no idea if he wants to take me somewhere So I will ask him let you know?' I replied, I already knew Bruce's answer though. I mimicked his deep voice in my mind as I thought of his answer 'I don't have time, go anywhere you want.' I started giggling, shit I really can't mimic his voice.

My giggling was cut short when I noticed, Ella looking at me as if I was crazy, to which I just shrugged. I was having my moment.

Rest of the day went by fast; I didn't see Bruce in P.E. I really hope he didn't ditch me.

Ohmygod. I don't have ride.

I came to my stop, outside the library. I looked up after reading the board and he was there. He was leaning against the wall looking as hot as ever.

Can he not.

He was wearing casuals, but damn did he look good.

'If you are done eye raping me, can we go in?' he said, I looked up to look at him; he was smirking and had eyebrow cocked up. He knew I was checking him out. I looked at my feet out of embarrassment, come on Ava that guy admitted he can't stand you and there you go drooling over him.

I walked into the library without replying, and I heard footsteps behind me. So, I knew he was coming.

He is hot; I can't stop looking at him. He gazes at me as if he is been hungry for years and I'm his meal, his presence makes me nervous. His voice makes me want to drop at my knees. Being this close to him is distracting and no one else is in library.


'Let's start, shall we?' his voice interrupted me from my thoughts. I nodded my head, I just want to get over with it.

'Is this right?' I asked him after solving the problem, but then I looked at the options which were 285, 28, 67 and 95. My answer was 52 and 67 was the closest so I chose 67 and marked as my now new answer.

I showed my book to him feeling proud of solving the equation. He looked at the book and then at me and then again at the book. I looked, and he was looking at my previous answer.

'Ava, how did you get 52 and the 67?' he asked me suspiciously.

I smiled sheepishly before replying 'well, you see; 52 was my original answer and it wasn't in the options and well... number 67 was closest to it...' I trailed off.

And then he did something I never thought in million years he would. He laughed. Like genuine, full blown, crack up laugh.

It was beautiful, wait what? A sound of laugh can't be beautiful, it doesn't make sense. Well, this is what I was talking about, the things this guy does to my intelligence.

I was smiling, even after he sobered up there was amusement clear in his eyes, and I couldn't stop smiling; he looked really carefree.

'Well, we do have lot of learning to do.' He stated, or taunted. Glad he finds me amusing. Note the sarcasm please.

He came over to sit on same couch with me, right next to me; his freaking leg was touching mine, he was this close. I'm panicking. His one touch sends shivers all over my body, from roots of hair to my toe nails.

'Breathe, Ava. Breathe' he whispered near my ear, he knew what he was doing to me, what his touch was doing to me. With that he leaned back on the couch and told me open up the text book, like nothing happened.

Maths was easy once we started learning about statics and stuff and Bruce, for once wasn't being mean to me. He is quite alright when it's just him and me. He wasn't mean when he was teaching me, he was rather being really kind and helping me out.

I don't think he noticed but he patted on my thigh to encourage me as what I was writing was right, but that freaking hand just stayed there. He didn't move it, he started making slow lazy, comfy circles and there goes all my concentration.

My mind stopped thinking about what y=x was, instead it was thinking about how that warm large hand will feel on rest of my body, or to be specific; on few body parts. I peeked at him through my eyelashes just to find he was looking at me with such a sexy look that my breath got caught in my throat. He looked like he was fighting control to stay calm, and me one the other hand couldn't stop the dirty thoughts that again came in my mind. I just had mental picture of him on top of me, my legs wrapped around his waist while he was taking me.

I didn't realize he was leaning in, but when I did; instead of looking or moving away I leaned in as well. We were eye to eye, lip to lip. Letting my body take control of what was happening.

So close that we were inhaling same air. He leaned in more, close to my ear and whispered 'You're beautiful.' that did the deed, and I forgot what breathing was. That sentence sent shivers down my spine, and there were sparks. Everything was suddenly so hot and I just wanted to take my clothes off and get in cold shower.

He then nibbled a bit on my ear lobe and pressed a lingering kiss on it, I gasped and he smiled knowingly against my skin.

I didn't know whether I wanted him to continue or smack his face with my book.

He trailed kisses across my jaw, making way down my neck; where he stopped to suck tease and kiss.

I heard a sound of breathy moan, which came from me. It was all it took for me to realize what just happened.

Did we just..? I mean me and Bruce; did we? Really, did we just? OH MY GOD

We just had a moment.

Shit, that was intense.

I pushed him away, and it took all in me to do so. The way his lips moved against my skin, and the feeling it gave me was indescribable.

He seems to snap out of it as well, because he moved away; far away. Nearly knocking himself down, on the floor.

I looked anywhere but him. It was, embarrassing.

'I think it's enough for today, we should head home now.' He said, his voice was back to being cold and he lost all the playfulness he once had.I grabbed my things and shoved it all in my bag. I got up, but my legs feel like jelly and I thought I was going to fall but it was then, someone grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to him. My face was to his chest and oh boy, did he smell good.

He left me, when he figured I was able to stand still and I suddenly felt really cold. Am I really missing his touch? What the hell is going on with me? I really should talk to Jemma about it.

We were in parking lot walking to where Bruce's car was. We stopped and I looked up if we were their already.

There stood Blondie.

I hate her.

So much.

'Hey, Bruce my parents are not at home today so do you want to come over tonight?' she said and winked at him suggestively, I internally gagged.


I looked over at Bruce to see what he was going to say.

'No,' he said, Blondie looked like someone slapped her across the face; and I really did happy dance in my mind. I was so happy I have no idea why, I'm sure I was grinning from ear to ear, which was until he said next words

'You should come over instead'

He looked at me, and I was looking stupid I guess. My eyes were glassy because of the tears that threatened to spill and my bottom lip was trembling, I bit it hard for it to stop. I'm sure my eyes showed hurt. How can he do this? What happened in library, did it mean nothing to him? He just goes around and starts kissing girls?

His face held no emotion as he started walking, nothing at all.

I got in passenger seat fighting my control, to stay calm and don't cry. Bruce on the other hand looked like a freaking emotionless robot.

I looked out of the window, closed my eyes and when I opened them; I knew I was going to pretend that what he do doesn't get to me.

'So, are you taking me for sightseeing this weekend, if you are not I have to tell Ella because she was planning something.' I asked him, my voice came out steady which surprised me.

He looked at me, shocked that I even talked to him. I smiled. He clenched his jaw and gripped steering wheel in death grip when I did that. I wonder why, he can't see me smiling now, or was it because it was just too fake; if I say myself.

He looked back at the road and said 'We can go next weekend; you can spend time with Ella this weekend.' His voice was its usual cold hard self but that voice still does things to me.

In no time we were at Ella's driveway. I looked at Bruce while unbuckling myself. My seat belt won't unbuckle what the hell is wrong with the world?

'No, don't be so rough with it.' He said, looking pained while I was snatching the buckle off.

Men and their cars.

'Here, let me help' with that his hand covered mind and I gasped, as all the sparks shot through my body. I felt his hand tense and I knew he felt them too.

He unbuckled it and I said 'Thanks' with a smile. It was for teaching and this and giving me ride home.

He nodded. I unlocked the door to Luke's house and got in,just to hear his car taking off.

I was in my room lying down, staring at ceiling; thinking about him. He is... different.

I like different.

A tear spilled from conner of my eye as I thought about what he will be doing tonight.

Ella wasn't home yet, and I figured she was out with Ian. She probably thought I was going to take time with Bruce.

So, I did my homework and picked up a movie to watch when she comes back.

ohmygard, they had a MOMENT, but it was ruined... oh well that's bruce for you.

do you guys like it? do you guys like Ava? Bruce? Luke? Ella? Ian? Blondie... wait what? never mind the last one.

I don't know when the next update will be... Or if I get HEAPS of VOTES, I will update really soon. So please vote :D if not then well yeah I'm not updating.

MERRY CHRISTMAS :D *sings the Christmas song*


you can also Spread the book if you like, I don't mind *wink-wink*

until next time...

Au Revoir

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