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Kyle, he was looking hot.

Hot with capital letters, please.

He was wearing button up check pattern shirt with jeans. Nothing flashy but damn did he pull that off well.I looked at him just to find him bluntly checking me out. I wanted to make a remark but I couldn't, just not my thing; I guess. So, I just looked down at my heels.

I internally promised myself that I will try to enjoy today and won't think about certain someone.

He cleared this throat after few seconds snapping me back to life from my thoughts.

'You look beautiful Ava.' he complimented. I blushed and mumbled a 'Thank you' I wonder if I was supposed to say he look good, I mean what if he thinks I'm flirting or something.

I went against my gut feeling and buttered out 'You look hot,' I realised what I said and my eyes widened at instant. Holy flip, great. Now he probably thinks I'm desperate chick.

'Kyle is not like that, and you know it' my mind told me' it was true he wasn't like that.

He chuckled, 'why, thank you' he teased lightening the mood up from my shocked state.

We walked to his car and he opened the door for me. 'what a gentleman' I thought.

'So how do you like it here?' he asked me, in order to make a conversation I guess.

'Sex' I thought, thinking about Bruce. really ava sex? I need to see someone for my perv thoughts about Bruce. I don't think its healthy, I mentally made a note.

'It's nice here, cold; but nice. People are friendly except for those snobby blondes but oh well. I like it here.' I replied with a smile.

'It is, Isn't it. I moved here six months back. Lots of getting used to but its nice here.' He told me. He moved here? What?

'Six months ago? You moved here? From where?' I asked him, Woah thats news.

'Spain,My mum's from Spain and dad is british so after he passed away we moved back to her hometown but I guess it was too much for me so we planned to move here.' I was surprised he told me so much about him.

Spain? ohmygodness I've always wanted to go there.

'I'm sorry about your dad, I know whatever I say won't make it better but just so you know I'm sorry for your loss,' I told him

He shrugged and said ' it was ages ago, but thanks.' I could tell by the way he said it still hurts, but I chose better and stopped the topic there.

'So Spain, you can speak spanish? You never told me.' I asked him after a while.

He chuckled a bit 'Yeah, why?'

I did one of those melodramatic move before saying ' Hello? My mum's chilean?'

He understood what I meant and said 'Oh right, you can speak spanish as well.' What a dumbass I thought.

'Si puedo' I said to prove him that I can actually talk in spanish, which means yes I can.

'oh damn, it suits you man. you should really talk to me in spanish then' he told me, funny how he said it in english.

'sure, if I feel like it' I teased him. Truth is I loved talking in spanish, when I was young my mother made me take classes to learn spanish and I took Jemma along with me so we both learned it and my mum will always talk to me in spanish.

I reckon its really sexy language, but its just my opinion.

After a while we pulled into the driveway of a very big mansion. Very big.

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