chapter 7

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Hey guys, sorry for updating so late. I was going to udpate two day ago and just as I was going to press publish my phone died. yeah I know it sucks but anway here you guys go, chapter-7 yaay. 'Enjoy Reading

I always loved going to the school, it was like an escape from staying alone at home.


Call me stupid but even though my parents were never around I am missing them a lot. They haven't called me, not even once. I really, really do miss them. A lot.

Sometime I think, I was just a mistake. Otherwise they would've cared for their one and only daughter but nope.

I tasted salty water ish thing and wiped the tear that fell. I shouldn't cry over them, I won't cry because of them.

My bedrooms door opened and there stood Ella, she looked at me and sat beside me.

What she did next surprised me, she hugged me. No questions asked; she just hugged me.

'It's alright, Bruce is a dick. Don't take anything he do or say to heart.' She whispered. Bruce? Where did that came from.

I pulled back and shook my head before saying 'I'm not crying or upset over Bruce.' She looked confused and asked me 'You're not? Oh my, Ava; are you hurt? Don't cry. What happened? Do you want me to call aunt?' she rambled on and on with questions.

'I'm not hurt Ella. I'm perfectly fine.' I replied quickly. I really thought she was going to scream and call her aunt here.

'Why are you crying then?' she asked me, 'You know you can talk to me right? I'll always be here' she added.

'I know, It's just I miss my parents' I replied, my voice cracked a bit.

'That's understandable, why don't you call them?' she suggested and smile as encouraging. What do I say now? That they are too busy to even pick my call?

'Nah, that's fine. They are... well they are busy; I don't want to disturb them.' I replied after few seconds.

'I'm sure they will have time for you Ava. Don't worry, just call them' she told me. If only she knew they won't, last time we talked was 5 months ago and god knows how much I'm missing them right now.

'Actually, last time we talked was five months ago. So I think when they will be free; they will call me. I don't want to bug them' I replied carelessly and shrugged as if I don't give flipping rat flip about it.

Why do I even bother pretending? I miss them, even though I'm sure they don't.

I looked back at Ella after picking up outfit for today. I chose to wear simple shirt and jeans.

She came to me and pulled me into bear hug.

'I know you are upset, stop acting tough. Just let it out' she said and I did.

I cried

I cried because I miss my parents

I cried because they don't care

I cried because of humiliation, yesterday.

I cried because I'm confused about what I feel for Bruce and I don't even know what to do.

I just let it all out and Ella patted my back while I sobbed like a broken hearted 14 year old. Seriously what's wrong with me? Why the hell am I so emotional? Shit it must be period. It's due in few days anyway.

Way to start the day, Ava.

'Damn girl, I have to change now' Ella teased, making me laugh a little. Her shirt was soaking with my tears.

She walked out my room, letting me change. I took warm shower and dressed up in clothes I picked. It was Friday today and I can't wait for this day to end already, but then again; I was dying to go to the school and look at Bruce.

Bruce, Bruce, Bruce that was the only name in my mind for past few days.

I didn't knew that a guy could make me feel this way; his simple gestures, cold hard eyes, and his deep oh fuck me voice could affect me this way.

Whatever I do, he is just there in my mind.

Ella and I were walking to our class. We walked pass many people and I noticed few of them were in my other classes, they smiled and I smiled back. Everyone was really kind to me, and today I was in no mood to be bothered. I was having one of those days, where you could care less about people and just don't want to be bothered.

Ella suddenly stopped walking and; me being clueless crashed into her back. I looked and saw Blondie was standing in our way. Guess, I thought to soon. Where the hell did she came from?

'What do you want Naomi?' Ella asked her; by the way she asked, you could tell she was really irritated by her presence.

'Oh, I'm just here for this little foreign friend of yours' she was talking about me like I wasn't even standing here in front of her. Someone needs glasses. What a disrespectful bitch.

Gosh, I'm so moody today.

'Why?' Ella asked her, just when I was going to say something.

'What the hell do you want? I'm not in mood for any bullshit today, really.' I told her, I didn't mean to be bitchy but oh well.

'Neither do I bitch, so listen and listen well. Bruce is mine and only mine and I don't want any new candy taking him away from me. I hope we are clear?' She told me. It was more like order.


'Listen up yo, I don't take order from no one so take it away and shove it up your ass. I hope we are clear?' I replied, it was true I really don't take orders from anyone.

'I'd suggest you go now, Bruce really won't like it when he finds out you threatened her' Ella Stated calmly. They looked at eatch other and I saw as Naomi's eyes widened and she walked away. What was that all about I thought?

We started walking again as if nothing ever interrupted us before. Bio was awesome as usual; me and Ella talked and laughed. Teacher told us that we were each other's partners for rest of the year.

I had chemistry next and I swear, my teacher looked like he doesn't get laid; like ever. So, urh, How do I even put this? He is just so down casted?

I was sitting when someone tapped on my shoulder I looked back to see who it was and what it needed? 'Ok that was just mean Ava you are not supposed to call people 'it'.' Nice Ava scolded, mean Ava in my mind.

I really think, America is making me crazy. Who even talks like that?

'Yeah?' I asked, and turned around to see who was it? It was a guy.

Holy shit, he looks familiar

Before he told me what he needed, I asked him 'Have we met before?'

He chuckled before replying and said 'Shit you do have nice voice, and I think guys are supposed to ask that?' and cocked his eyebrow. It was nice but it wasn't as nice as Bruce's. There I go again with Bruce fever.

Both nice and mean Ava said here cute guy is trying to talk and you are thinking about that asshole, can you not?

'No, it's just you look very... familiar.' I told him, and hoped I didn't creep him out. I mean I would freak out if, someone I have never met before said that to me.

'well, yeah we are in same Dance class; by the way you're an amazing dancer.' He told me. I knew it, I've seen him before. I blushed a little at his compliment but didn't say anything. 'oh you wanted something?' I asked him the moment I remembered he tapped on my shoulder to ask me something.

'Yeah, do you have spare pen?' he asked me while rubbing back of his neck.

I grabbed a pen and gave it to him 'What's your name Oi?'

'It's Kyle, you're Ava right?' he replied me with a question.

'Yeah' I told him with a smile and he smiled back.

Just my luck, as soon I started liking this class my teacher hated it so he separated me and Kyle because we were actually having fun and laughing while studying. He was sitting far away from me but we still managed to talk by passing notes on. He is actually really nice guy.

I hate maths with passion, I absolutely loath it. I hate that subject with every drop of blood in my body. Why do we even have to study it? I mean we do have calculators, right, and it not like I want to be an accountant; Stupid school. I hate it like ice cream hates winter. To top it off with cherry, I was in senior's class just like my every other subject except for dance because I don't know how but I'm somewhat good at maths. This is still a mystery to me.

Those were my thoughts as I entered my maths class. I looked up and stopped walking as shock took over my body. Bruce? What the hell, he was in my class? How come he wasn't here yesterday? He wagged? Stupid senior, How is that even fair? They do whatever they want.

I stopped think and shook my head to clear my mind and then I took my seat, which was insanely, I repeat insanely close to where he was sitting. Class started and time went by.

I literally counted ever single second, I didn't study one bit. Every time I tried to concentrate, his gaze on the side of my head distracted me and it took everything in me not to look at him.

He being this close to me was very, very distracting. I counted till last minute and then finally what seemed like forever, the bell went and I rushed out.

'Miss Ava wait,' great; just fucking great. I looked back as my teacher called me, and saw Bruce and few others were still there. I walked where he was standing.

'Bruce, come here please' teacher said.

He? Here? What did I do now?

'Ava, first of it's good to have you here,' to which I smiled; 'and your mentor told me you didn't like maths and had trouble with it. So, we chatted a bit and figure that we will find someone to tutor you.' He told me

'But...' I started but he cut me off and started talking as if I didn't say anything.

'... and seeing as Bruce is one of the smarted kid in this maths class,' oh I didn't like where this was going, I didn't like it at fucking all. 'We think it would be best if he will tutor you' kill me now please, and fuck your thinking. 'And he can always take you sightseeing; and here is you guy's schedule' he said while held out sheet for us to grab.

Why am I still alive again?

I really hope you guys liked the new chapter :D

 I'm having summer holidays *whoop-whoop*

Christmas is coming soon, exicted?

oh I uploaded new book, tell me what you guys think about it? and there will be different book for all the restricted and R -rated chapters for His Exchange Student and only followers can read it :))

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I will update if I get max number of vote and comments :) or I will stop writing, becuase then it looks like no one really likes the book? 

I love you guys exohex

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