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Here you go guys, Chapter-9 :D  its not edited sorry 

*Enjoy Reading* :D

Here I was now sitting on Luke’s couch with my hand tied through fucking handcuff with Bruce’s hand. While Luke, Ella and Ian were laughing there asses off because I needed to pee, but I can because my hand was tied to Bruce’s

Can somebody please kill me now? Actually wait, I’d like to kill Ella and Luke first and then kill me

‘Fucking stop laughing guys, and start looking for the freaking key you guys lost.’ I said. I was really angry and frustrated. I really needed to pee. I thought I was going to have angry break down any minute.

Bruce started making small comfy circles on back of my hand which was cuffed with his. To my surprise I didn’t snapped at him, I really liked the feeling it was giving me and I wasn’t frustrated anymore. My anger flew out of the window and I just enjoyed the feeling. It was as if he knew that will help me to gain my control, I looked up at him just to see he was already looking at me. His eyes, they held something in them. Actually they held so many things but I didn’t try to figure them out I just stayed there and enjoyed.

I looked away when I hear Ella yelling that she can’t find the key. Come on man I really need to pee.

Earlier that day...

‘I love the food oi. Your aunt is an amazing cook.’ I told Ella.

Currently me, Ella, Luke, Ian and Conner were sitting and eating the breakfast there aunt cooked.

‘I know, I know.’ She replied

I was glad that start of my weekend was nice. We planned to stay at home and go to the mall tomorrow.


Last night after doing my homework, I went downstairs to eat dinner and Ella was back. We ate and then watched a movie I picked. Dear John.

Oh how I love Channing Tatum, and to my surprise I wasn’t the only one drooling over him. Ella loves him just as much.

I told her how I felt about Bruce, yeah I admitted my silly crush to her and then I told her about what happened in library to which she started squealing like 13 year old.  And then I told her what happened with Blondie whose name is Naomi. I still prefer calling her Blondie.

‘Bruce is acting like an asshole, I have no Idea why. He usually not like this. I have no idea what’s wrong with him but don’t let it get to you. He will come to his senses soon.’ Was her reply after my whole sob story.

What senses? I thought to myself but didn’t ask her. I don’t care, I’m just going to try and stay miles away from him

We were sitting on the couch, me Conner and Luke were playing fifa on his play station.

I always thought I was the man in this game but damn they are good. Ok kidding, I really do suck at this game. I was playing with them because it was more interesting than being THE THRID WHEEL with Ella and Ian.

Honestly, they are like the cutest thing ever. Ella really has him wrapped around her fingers, or in easy words Ian is whipped.

‘What do you want to do now, since you already lost three times?’Conner asked me with annoying smirk pasted on his face.

I was about to think of a witty comeback but front door opened and there stood Bruce looking hot as ever. I swear this guy will be death of me.

He was wearing jeans that hung low on his hips and shirt with two buttons undone showing his chest and arms folded till his elbows

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