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ta-da new chapter is here. HAPPY READING.

Picture of Luke on the side.

Enjoy :)

I was sacred shitless. I was so damn scared by the voices coming from woods. Why Ella or anyone else didn’t tell me about these wild animals- wolfs. I was in internal battle between; I should go back to sleep as I have a few hours left before I have to get ready for school and Think that this never happened but the voices were so loud it almost make it impossible to go back to sleep, or I should go to talk to Ella but that was also bad idea because she is probably sleeping and I don't want to wake her up by my fear. 

I went with option one and tried to sleep

I was wide awake, staring at ceiling thinking about how life changed in just five days. Five days ago I was chilling in Newzealand with girls and having fun. Girls. I miss Jemma and realisation hit me like tons of brick, I haven't talked to her in ages. Since I couldn't sleep and I couldn't hear howling anymore. I decided to call Jemma.
I picked up my phone and dialled her number. 

She picked up after three rings. 'Hey stranger’ I said

 'What? Ava?? Girl I miss you so much. You promised to call as soon you get there. You bitch!' She replied. I was laughing as she rambled on and on. I truly missed her so much. 

'I'm good, thanks for asking. You?' I asked her. 

'Don't be smart with me missy, tell me how have you been? The people you are living with are they nice? Any hot guys I should know about?'

Typical Jemma thing to ask. 

'I've been good. People are so nice here. I was expecting snob to be honest but they are really nice and god some people are bitchy but that's fine' I answered her questions, leaving part about guys. 

‘Oh no no no. You didn't tell me about guys so I assume there is someone?' I bet she was smirking. Damn. 

'What guys?'I played 

‘Uh-huh you know exactly what I'm talking about. Is my innocent Ava not innocent anymore?' She was acting mean now, I was never innocent. Huph!

'Oi, I was never innocent' I said and she laughed. 

'Really? When was the last time you kissed a guy?' 

‘Urh? Never?'

'You still think you are not innocent missy? Never mind that, tell me about the guy? Will ya?'

'There's no guy man, it's just I find this guy really hot an-...' I didn't even finish my sentence and she started squealing like a 13 year old who found out that her crush is in her class. Who even does that nowadays? Sigh.

I held my phone away for my ear as she started rambling about how does he look, age, year, eye colour, body, address? Da hell? See this is how crazy my best friend is! 

'Jemma remind me why am I friends with you again? Eye colour? Address? Really? Do I look like a stalker to you?' I said 

A little voice in my head said-' you sure as hell looked like a stalker while you were drooling over him in school' I huffed urh stupid mind.

'Come on man! I've known you whole my life and after 15 year, this is the first time you told me that you find a guy hot. So puh-lease if I want to squeal I sure as hell will' I laughed but it was true I've never liked a guy before or even had a crush. It's just not me to be honest I was planning on arrange marriage, if they still to do it. 

We laughed and talked for a while. 'Apparently' this guy used to like me and is heartbroken because I'm here. Seriously people? Out of all this time you chose to confess your undying love for me when I'm miles away.

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