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*happy reading :DD* Its not edited :( I will edit it soon though.

ps. read author's note at the end, thanks :)

I was actually used to being around Bruce now, since everybody leaves us alone; most of the time.


Silence was something I couldn't bear.

I was aware of Bruce looking at me and it took all in me not to look at him. I didn't had to look at him to know what kind of emotion his eyes held.






It was like, I could feel all these emotions.

I had enough and finally looked up, as if I couldn't control my self anymore. I was aware of very emotions my eyes would show if I meet his eyes. I was drowned in desire to be with him and my eyes showed it all.

I took a deep breath and controlled my hormones.

'Get your shit together Ava' I scolded my self. I'm acting like a teenager who just hit puberty. I'm not usually like this. Now, that I think about it-I'm never like this.

I looked up and met his eyes.

'Hey' His voice was sex.

'Hey Back' my voice came out kind of hoarse, so I grabbed a glass of water and drank. Something is seriously wrong with me and I will ind out soon.

'Ava' he said, breaking me from my thoughts; in that sex voice of his. I swear he just fucked my name right then and there.

fuck me

It took everything in me-not to jump on him and kiss the life out of him.

I really need to go see doctor, I'm turning into a slut.

I raised my eyebrow, not saying anything because I was still scared about how my voice will betray me again.

'Let's dance' he asked me.

And I didn't turned that offer down.

Bruce took the hold of my hand sending sparks throughout my body and making me shiver, I heard a sharp intake of breath letting me know that the one who held my hand has felt those sparks too, and it made me do a happy dance mentally, and lead me to the dance floor. Honestly, I was really impressed by this persons house.

I didn't know what to do. I mean, sure I can dance, but thats like pro-but here with Bruce I had no idea what to do.

what was dancing again?

Justin Bieber's Lolly was on, I really liked that song. Beat and all was just perfect.

I felt pair of arm going around my waist and pulling me to them. My face came in contact with Bruce's chest and without even thinking I inhaled his scent.

And damn did he smell good.

Sensing my hesitation, Bruce started leading the dance. Still holding my waist he started moving me and himself to beat of music. It was to much for me to handle. Too Intense but being this close to Bruce lessened every nervous and hesitant nerve in my body and too soon I started moving my self to the beat of the music.

There was nothing to sexual about our dance, but that was till I moved so my back was now to his front and we started the same move again.

Before I knew it, his arms were around me holding me close to his chest as if savouring the moment. If I didn't knew it any better I would've thought he was afraid to let me go, afraid that if the music stops he will have to push me away... again.

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