A Night Out

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     Where to go? I frowned as I realized that I had no knowledge of the area. I pulled out my phone and searched until I found Stray Dog Pub & Cafe. I shrugged and followed the directions. It looked small, but promising. I parked the car then made my way over to the door. Instantly I walked over to the bar and flashed my fake New York I.D. which stated that I was  21 years old. The bartender nodded and I ordered my drink. I turned around and sipped at my drink when someone else walked in. Despite only being 8:30, it was already dark outside and hard to see who he was. I turned around and pulled out my phone, wanting to text Eva.

Erin: Hey, come down to the Stray Dog!

Eva: Underage, remember?

Erin: Don't you have a fake I.D.?

Eva: Everyone knows me in this town. My mom would kill me.

Erin: Oh, right. Well I will just enjoy myself tonight.

Eva: Be careful.

Erin: Careful is my middle name.

     I locked my phone and looked up. Someone had sat down next to me. "Hey," he said. I looked at his face. It was Mr. Jameson!

     "Hey," I replied, realizing that he didn't recognize me. "What's your name?"

     "Leon." He answered. "And yours?"

     "Er...Victoria." I answered.

     "You look familiar." He said, leaning in. "Hmm, I'll place it soon enough."

     He was wearing jeans, a red t-shirt, leather jacket paired with gloves and black boots. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=206724603) He looked...normal. I smiled in spite of myself. "I'm sure you will."

     He looked at me for a moment. "Well you're new around here." He said, "I think I'd remember purple hair and a face like that."

     I giggled. "I am new. Just moved here from the city." I twisted a finger in my hair. "From Las Angeles. My fiancee and I broke up, I needed a fresh start." I lied smoothly.

     "Really? Well he lost out on you." He smiled. "What job do you have?"

     "Still looking." I responded. "Just got here two days ago."

     "Well I'm a teacher." He replied. "I teach history. Been here for a little over a year. I love the small town vibe."

     "Aren't you a bit young to be a teacher?" I asked, taking another sip of my drink.

     "Graduated early." He answered. "Went right to college. Also took extra classes online."

     "Nice." I commented, finishing off my drink. "Can I have a refill?" I called to the bartender. He nodded and filled the cup. "Thank you,"

     "You have manners." Leon said, surprised. "You remind me of a spoiled rich kid for some reason."

     "I have no idea why." I answered.

     We talked for a while, and I drank more and more. I was a lightweight and was drunk before I knew it. The more I drank, the more attractive he became. By 1 am, I was up for anything.

     "You're so sexy." I said, groping his bicep. "Why...why waste yourself on teaching brats?"

     "I love my job." He replied, slightly buzzed. "I always have one student who loves the subject and that makes the rest of the students worth it. They are always special to me."

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