Officer Grundy

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     I was sitting in one of the school's back offices waiting for my mother to get here and a teacher was keeping me company. Leon was led away in handcuffs and in a different room, and I had no contact with him since the argument. There was a lot of tension in the small office, due to the fact that they were required to report this to the police, and we were also waiting for them to show up.

     "Do you want any water?" The teacher asked.

     I shook my head, and placed my forehead on the cool steel below me.

     "You're going to have to talk about what happened." She frowned, trying to place a hand on top of my own.

     I ignored here, and we sat in an awkward silence as we waited for my mother to show. Thankfully, the wait wasn't too long as she appeared five minutes later... with a police officer.


     "Ms. Stanford," The officer addressed me, he was short and stocky, with brown hair and clear blue eyes. He told me that his name was Grundy. "I need to collect a statement from you."

     I ignored the officer, averting my gaze, but my mother snapped, "Erin! You need to listen to the officer. We need to know what happened." She thought for a moment. "Does this have anything to do with why you were sick?"

     "We are currently searching Mr. Jameson's house and need your co-operation." He said kindly. "Now, we need to know what we are looking for."

     I felt tears beginning to fall from my eyes. "I don't know."

     "Can you elaborate?" Officer Grundy asked, readying his pen and paper.

     "I...went out with him..." I said softly. "But  it didn't start out like that. I didn't like moving, so I went out shortly after moving in." I took a shaky breath, but continued. "I ran into him, and he didn't recognize me, so I gave him my phone number. The next day in class, he knew it was me." I took another shaky breath. "So we went out again last night, to the same place, and I blacked out..." I closed my eyes in an attempt to stop the tears. "I woke up on my front lawn and was..." I shook my head and didn't finish the sentence. 

     My mother was silently crying, and the officer had adopted a much more grave appearance. "Where did you go?" The man asked, all business.

     "The Stray Dog." I whispered. 

     "We are going to need your phone." He said, holding out his hand.

     "Why?" I asked, my hand rushing to my pocket.

     "You said you gave him your number, so I assume he contacted you. We need it for evidence." He paused. "If there is a password, please remove it now."

     "There isn't." I sighed, handing it over.

     He  nodded. "Alright, thank you, now please wait in the hall while I speak with your mother."

    I stood, shaking from shame and fear. I walked outside the door, and closed it quickly. My mother emerged less than a minute later, she grabbed my arm and drug me out through the main office, out the door and straight to her car. She was silent for most of the drive, then instead of turning left to go home, she went straight.

     "Where are we going?" I murmured, unable to contain my curiosity. 

     "The hospital." She answered stiffly. 


     She looked me dead in the eye, and I knew exactly why.

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